.223 in a 5.56 | The High Road
Mar 23, 2012 · In a different post a member asked about using the .223 in a rifle for the 5.56. I posted there in response while attempted to mention an issue I had with my AR15. I don't want to go and steal his post or overshadow his post so I thought I'd start this one so maybe something can be learned...
Marines and Combat Arms | The High Road
Mar 8, 2005 · Got this from the Black 5 website: This synopsis of an article from Combat Arms magazine from USMC Maj (ret) Mitchell.
Handloading and Reloading | Page 373 | The High Road
Mar 19, 2020 · Handloading and Reloading. Hand-crafting ammunition to improve performance or to save money. Moderated by: Walkalong
What's the best AR for an AR noob? | Page 4 | The High Road
Jun 8, 2009 · I've looked hard at a couple of Bushmasters and they were lacking the staking on the bolt. Local shop got a (new to me) brand - Doublestar, IIRC. Those looked quite nice and were about a $100 cheaper. Be interesting to see if anybody has run one enough to check quality.
Input Request - Appalachian Mountain Rifle | The High Road
Nov 3, 2015 · I will soon be looking for another rifle. As anyone who has spent anytime hiking mountains full of brush can attest, lugging a typical center-fire rifle can be draining. My current rifles are a Winchester 94 AE (first year), Marlin XT-22TR with a …
Gene Stoner: Legend vs. Reality | Page 2 | The High Road
May 25, 2009 · The Johnson rifle and light machine gun both use the same sort of many-lug rotating bolt as the AR-15 later did. The Johnson-inspired Israeli Dror light machine gun also used that style of bolt. The most novel thing about the AR …