Four Sixes Brands - 6666 Ranch
The Four Sixes brand is used on ranch cattle and applied at the same time that vaccinations are given, and other procedures are performed on the individual, and everything is usually done in less than 30 seconds.
6666 Ranch - Legendary Quarter Horses and Black Angus Cattle
Dec 9, 2024 · From acclaimed quarter horses to genetically-superior angus cattle, the 6666 Ranch is a legendary working ranch located near Guthrie, Texas.
Quarter Horses - 6666 Ranch
The ranch has cultivated a steady stream of champion performance, race and ranch horses produced by the Four Sixes and our clients. The goal of the ranch’s breeding program is to produce the world’s best ranch horse.
Straight Sixes - 6666 Ranch
Feb 13, 2017 · And thanks to Miss Anne, the 6666 started the tradition of branding its horses with her maternal great-grandfather Martin Loyd’s single L brand. Miss Anne and George Humphreys, her 6666 foreman from 1932 to1970, set out to raise standout equine athletes on the ranch and spearheaded the famous careers of stallions Grey Badger II and Hollywood ...
About - 6666 Ranch - The Four Sixes Ranch Story
Founded by Captain Samuel “Burk” Burnett in 1870—when he purchased 100 head of cattle wearing the “6666” brand from Frank Crowley of Denton, Texas—Burnett Ranches today encompasses 260,000 acres, including the Four Sixes Ranch headquarters, near Guthrie, and the Dixon Creek Ranch, between Panhandle and Borger—both located in the ...
Finding Success in Tradition - 6666 Ranch
Oct 1, 2015 · If you visit the ranch’s website, you will find that it was established in 1870 by Samuel “Burk” Burnett with just 100 head of cattle wearing the legendary “6666” brand, and has since grown to a 275,000 acre operation that encompasses superior Black Angus cattle and legendary American Quarter Horses.
Angus Cattle - 6666 Ranch
With more than a century of expertise, the ranch’s superior cattle breeding program relies on tried and true experience while improving with modern innovations. When fully stocked, the Four Sixes Ranch maintains a breeding herd of about 6,000-7,000 Angus cattle.
Four Sixes Cattle - 6666 Ranch
As a cow/calf operation, the ranch now maintains a breeding herd of some 7,000 mother cows. The high quality of Four Sixes cattle is well known, and that reputation continues today, making the ranch a frontrunner in the cattle industry.
Burnett Family - 6666 Ranch
The story behind the Burnett family, legacy and beginnings of a historic, formidable ranch tahat started with Captain Samuel “Burk” Burnett.
Four Sixes Quarter Horses - 6666 Ranch
Today, the Four Sixes Horse Division is directed by the ranch’s resident veterinarian, Nathan Canaday, DVM, and stands more than 40 of the top Western performance and ranch Quarter Horse stallions found anywhere in the world.