Advantages/Disadvantages of V-8 vs V-12 6.0L Engines - Physics …
Nov 28, 2009 · V12 is heavy, compared to the V8 block, you have more parasitic drag of additional 4 pistons, rings, 4 more rod bearings, probably two more main bearings, heavier intake manifold with more intake runners, heavy longer crankshaft, cam shaft, a lot more drag to open 8 to 16 more valves.
Is L[6] = 6L[1] in Laplace Transforms correct? - Physics Forums
Mar 27, 2024 · hello there.. just a simple question am i correct in assuming that if: L[1] = 1/s then: L[6] = 6L[1] = 6/s? i'm sure that is correct, but it seems be be messing up an initial value problem i am trying to solve.. Nik
Physics Forums: Science Discussion, Homework Help, Articles
Feb 22, 2025 · Physics Forums aims to provide a community for students, scientists, educators or hobbyists to learn and discuss science as it is currently generally understood and practiced by the professional scientific community.
Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar …
Mar 29, 2012 · Hello I am new with Maxwell. I made a motor drawing in solidworks and imported it in maxwell. I found some tutorials, and searched on the internet but could not find answer to my problem. So when i try to assign Excitation Current to an coil i get the message Excitation 'Current1' : Cannot...
Constant and variable specific heat assumptions - Physics Forums
Oct 12, 2015 · 1. Homework Statement A gas (treated as air) powered turbine provides power to a compressor which then sends the compressed air through an intercooler (heat exchanger). Turbine: Gas enters @ 0.03kg/s, 370 degrees Celsius Gas leaves @ 300 degrees Celsius and a "lower pressure" Compressor...
Thermodynamics piston-cylinder closed system - Physics Forums
Feb 12, 2017 · Homework Statement An insulated piston-cylinder device contains 5 L of saturated liquid water at a constant pressure of 175 kPa. Water is stirred by a paddle wheel while a current of 8 A flows for 45 min through a resistor placed in the water, If one-half of the liquid is …
Classical Mechanics: Central Force Problem - Physics Forums
Feb 23, 2014 · Find the frequency of the radial oscillations When I read this part of the question it had me thinking that particle will oscillate along the radial direction like a mass-sping system so that the motion of this particle is like a sinusoidal wave wrapped around a circle (think of sin(x) except that the x-axis is bent into a circle and the oscillations occur perpendicular to the circumference of ...
How to convert pressure (Bar) to flow rate (L/min)? - Physics Forums
Apr 11, 2019 · hii, I'm try to calculate the pressure (in bar) needed for a certain flow rate 3 L/min of Argon gas given the following setup: - I have a tank of Argon gas and the line pressure can be between 0 bar to 5 bar. - The gas will flow out to the open air in the end. - …
Entropy change of van der Waals gas expansion - Physics Forums
Apr 19, 2015 · Homework Statement Consider ##n## moles of gas, initially confined within a volume ##V## and held at temperature ##T##. The gas is expanded to a total volume ##\\alpha V##, where ##\\alpha## is a constant, by a reversible isothermal expansion. Assume that the gas obeys the van der Waals equation...
Steps to calculate Air Consumption of a Pneumatic System
Jun 27, 2017 · Hi there, I'm new to this forum and this is my first post so nice to meet you all! Since English is my second language, I apologize for some odd sentences. I'm a 4th year university student and currently has an internship in a Press Shop of a car manufacturer in Thailand. The project has been...