Film Formats Compared - KenRockwell.com
Medium format gives far better technical quality than 35mm and is just as easy to use, since the film comes in rolls you can load in daylight like 35mm. Mamiya and Pentax and Contax make autofocus motordrive cameras and zoom lenses, so you have no excuses.
Lens Focal Length Equivalents — Jake Horn Photography
Jan 31, 2016 · Conversions in the grey box convey what the lens would be like in terms of 35mm Full Frame. While picking out lenses to use on my 6x9 format Fotoman camera, I got frustrated trying to convert angles of view and focal lengths back into terms I could relate to (i.e. 35mm).
35mm vs 6x9 reversal film side by side. 6x9 blows me away ... - Reddit
Many of those 35mm images are over-exposed, they could be a lot better. The 6x9 images appear to be a bit under-exposed, which makes the colour look more saturated.
Understanding Medium Format vs 35mm Lenses and ... - Shoot It With Film
May 20, 2022 · Most simply put, with medium format film, the larger negative means a wider field of view. And the wider the field of view, the longer the focal length needed to produce an image equivalent to the (smaller) field of view on 35mm. You can see how the size of a 35mm film negative compares to the different medium format negative ratios below.
35mm vs medium format: Film Photography Talk Forum: Digital …
Apr 9, 2021 · I would have preferred to shoot 6x9 or 6x12 over 6x6, just to get that larger enlargement possibility with the easier 120 film to deal with over 4x5. Even with digitizing, MF and LF films offer significant advantages over 35mm film.
Is 645 Medium Format Film That Much Better Than 35mm?
Jan 8, 2021 · Photographer Kyle McDougall says that one question he gets asked a lot is if shooting in medium format film, such as 645, is really “worth it” compared to 35mm film. In this 11-minute video,...
6x9 versus 35mm. : r/AnalogCommunity - Reddit
Dec 23, 2021 · Not shitting on it. 35mm is twice what's needed to project on a decent cinema screen. I've got a lot of 35mm slides around to play with and I've got some great slides from holidays. Medium format is more expensive -- 8 shots for the price of 35 -- but the sheer scale is on another level.
Large Format Comparison Charts - LensN2Shutter
The Focal Length Equivalent Chart is to aid us with a very simple comparison to a format that 99% of us have graduated from. The 35mm comparisons are very close. The angle of view was measured from the actual exposed aria of the negative whenever possible.
Daniel Pietzsch - Focal Length Equivalents
With this site, you can look up and calculate these focal lengths and their 35mm-equivalents. The equivalent focal lengths are calculated based on the diagonal of each imaging format. Find the …
6x9 Lens data - Oresteen
The 35mm equivalent lens is shown for reference. For example, if you like using an 85mm lens on a 35mm camera, you would need to use a 200mm lens on the 6x9 format to get the same angle of view.