The Model 1893/95 "Boer Model" Mauser - Shooting Times
Sep 23, 2010 · The 7x57 cartridge was one of the many smokeless powder rounds developed by the Mauser company during the 1890s. The original load consisted of a rimless, bottlenecked case 57mm in length with a roundnosed, 173-grain FMJ bullet traveling at 2,300 fps.
Mauser Model 1895 - Wikipedia
The Mauser Model 1895 is a bolt operated magazine fed rifle using the 7×57mm Mauser cartridge. It was exported to many overseas powers, including the Chilean forces which adopted as the Fusil Mauser Chileno Modelo 1895. [2] .
What are the best Mausers for the 7x57 cartridge?
Feb 3, 2010 · I have a M95 Chilean short rifle and many other 91-96 Mausers, but mostly 98's. I would agree the Chilean is the best pre-98 type, although not finished quite as nice as the Swedes I've had. If one wants the best possible 7MM milsurp rifle, the only way to fly is an FN or German M98 pattern.
The 7x57mm Mauser (.275 Rigby) - CHUCKHAWKS.COM
Here are some 7x57 specifications that should be of interest to reloaders: bullet diameter .284", maximum COL 3.065", maximum case length 2.235", MAP 46,000 cup. There are a wide variety of 7mm bullets available to the reloader, from around 110 grains to 195 grains.
7×57mm Mauser - Wikipedia
The 7×57mm Mauser (designated as the 7 mm Mauser or 7×57mm by the SAAMI and 7 × 57 by the C.I.P.) is a first-generation smokeless powder rimless bottlenecked rifle cartridge. It was developed by Paul Mauser of the Mauser company in 1892 and adopted as a military cartridge by Spain in 1893. [3] .
7x57 M95 Range report - Cast Boolits
Jun 6, 2011 · I've settled on the load of 28 grains of IMR 4895 after many practice rounds....seems to work well at all ranges and for both my 135 gr and 150 grain boolit. My sig line will tell all how highly esteemed I hold the 7x57. Von Gruff. By using Weaver 'low' or Kwik-site "low" rings you can lower the scope quite a bit.
7x57 in Mauser 1895 - Cast Boolits
Nov 18, 2012 · ............Most military Mausers in 7x57 were chambered for the 172 - 175gr bullets so the throats can be 'longish'. I too have a M95 Chilean infantry (29" bbl) that has a somewhat dark (ish), but no doubt about it worn bore. The lands are noticeably rounded and under a strong light at the muzzle the lands pretty much fade away.
LUDWIG LOEWE & Co. CHILEAN Model 1895 MAUSER Bolt Action …
Nov 3, 2016 · Caliber: 7x57mm Mauser Overall condition as seen in photos. Very Fast. Very Safe. FREE SHIPPING. Guaranteed AUTHENTIC & Includes CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY. …
7X57 Mauser - Cast Boolits
Nov 27, 2013 · I cast for my "sporterized" M95 7x57. You will, no doubt, find the milsurp barrels to be "oversize" at .286 - .289 +/-. That's not really oversize as it was the European standard groove diameter for the 7mm.
7x57 Mauser - Shooters' Forum
Jan 24, 2012 · I have never used an M95 Mauser chambered to anything but did have a beautiful little sporter in 7x57 based on the M93 Mauser. It was built in some small British shop at some time and resembled the famed .275 Rigby of Karamojo Bell fame.