Difference between CPU 8-pin and GPU 8-pin? - TechPowerUp
Dec 20, 2011 · A CPU 8-pin has 4x 12v, and 4x ground. Each has 12v on "opposite" pins, and are keyed differently, so confusing the two should be pretty easy...8-pin PCIe plug inserted into 8-pin CPU receptacle should be very hard to do, and vice versa. Anyway, if you look at the plug itself, and where the clip is, you can determine which is one.
Dumb question about CPU power cable | TechPowerUp Forums
Mar 21, 2022 · I'm pretty sure it's the 8-pin PCIe that's specced for 150W. You will literally never max out a modern 8-pin EPS, assuming you aren't using a dodgy cable or some extremely dodgy brand of motherboard no one has heard of. I don't remember the exact number but they're all capable of pulling upwards of 300W per 8-pin (maybe even 400W? can't remember).
Single or dual 8-pin | TechPowerUp Forums
Aug 16, 2023 · In general, only ONE 8-pin EPS cable is actually REQUIRED to be plugged in + the 24-pin for the system to work without an issue. In most cases, the 2nd EPS header that you see on mobos nowdays is really only there to provide extra power when doing serious OCing. So the TLDR is that you only need to plug in one 8 pin EPS cable.
8+8 pin cpu pwr motherboard, but the psu has only 1 4+4 pin?
Jul 14, 2020 · I have some Z77 and Z97 motherboards with dual 8 pin configurations for the CPU, I always connect them up. Yes it won't make masses of difference if you only use one and your not pushing the overclocks or power draw through the socket, but if there's two connections on the board, use them. If your PSU doesn't support it, upgrade it.
Motherboard has 8pin+4pin CPU connectors but PSU has only …
Jul 20, 2019 · Hi! So, I almost chose the Corsair RM650i/750i PSU but then found out it had only one CPU power connector which is 4+4pin. Seasonic Focus Plus Gold/Platinum 650W also has only one 4+4pin cable, to have two 4+4pin cables you need to buy at least a 750W PSU. The same goes for be quiet! Straight...
8+4 pin EATX connectors | TechPowerUp Forums
Oct 21, 2018 · Anyway, if you have two 8 pin CPU power connectors, the 8 pin will work just fine in the 4 pin slot. The 4 pin part of the 8 pin connector is physically and electrically the same as the 4 pin connector, with the only difference here being the additional 4 pins just hang over the port and plug into nothing.
PC doesn’t turn on after plugging in 8-pin CPU cable
Oct 19, 2023 · Odds are, that you changed a cable over without realising - one unused cable on the old system that is used on the new one, that's enough to kill something without knowing. It's not 100% certain death to mix cables as sometimes they're compatible - but it should never, ever be done unless they're from the same brand and clearly labelled (like ...
Odd 8 pin Power issue with Z490 and i5 10400 - TechPowerUp
May 29, 2020 · So i tried moving the 8 pin power around to the CPU. so my psu cpu power cable is 4+4 pin, and the motherboard has an 8+4 pin setup When plugging one of the 4 pins into 4 pin CPU_PWR2 slot, it boots right away, no issue. Then trying the other 4 pin in the same PWR2 slot, it does the spark thing were it takes a few tries And when both in the 8 ...
MSI tomahawk Z790 Two 8 pin CPU power - TechPowerUp
Oct 31, 2023 · No horrible idea to convert SATA to EPS cable. Just asking for a electrical fire. One 8-pin EPS is enough for the 13900K as long as you're not trying to heavily overclock it. Both 8pin EPS connectors are on the same power plane. Only need 1 to function.
Mobo won't power on - 8 pin CPU atx 12v? - TechPowerUp
Jan 31, 2010 · Motherboard: 24 pin, 8 pin, any aux power it needs (floppy/molex connectors, some boards have em) Video card: all PCI-E power connected Ram: one stick, try various slots. if no luck, try another stick in several slots. During this, everything else should be disconnected. no HDD's, no DVD burner, no fans except for PSU, CPU and VGA.