Roley Brings the House Down | Bob The Builder Wiki | Fandom
Roley Brings the House Down is the third episode of the fifteenth season. Roley and Muck play skidsies in the mud, but an accident leads to the old machine shelter being knocked down. Roley blames Muck for making him do a skidsie and destroying the shelter.
Bob The Builder Roley And The Rockstar Lofty Gets Angry
Here's Another Clip From Bob The Builder Roley And The Rockstar.
Bob The Builder Lost Episode: Lofty's Bad Day - DeviantArt
May 15, 2023 · Lofty got angry, and what appeared on his crane was a machine gun, and he shot and blew up Roley who tried to dodge the bullets and a loud explosion is heard.
Roley's Important Job | Bob The Builder Wiki | Fandom
First time where Roley makes an angry face; he looks mad when he tells Bird and Hamish that something is not right. This is the final episode where Angelo Sabatini is voiced by the William Dufris, prior to his death in 2020, repectively.
Roley Brings The House Down: Roley Makes Gets Angry
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BTB: Snowed Under: The Machine Fight (Rewritten) - DeviantArt
Aug 1, 2024 · Here’s what the machine fight from “Snowed Under” should’ve been like. SCOOP: (irritated) SILENCE! I'm trying to get some sleep! We're here to work, not have fun! It's not a stupid holiday/silly vacation! DIZZY: (angry) But you won't let us do any work! ROLEY: Yeah! That's a good point actually, Dizzy. SCOOP: Huh!
Roley | Bob The Builder Wiki | Fandom
Roley is a green steamroller and a member of the Can-Do Crew. Did you know? Roley is one of the few machines who can pull trailers.
Who' s Angry at Muck and Roley's Argument - DeviantArt
Jun 20, 2023 · Muck and Roley have crossed the line, This time, Both of them argued who is fault it is. My return to Bob The Builder Meme. Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In.
Bob the Builder: Roley's Favorite Adventures (VHS 2004)
Shelley Duvall's American Tall Tales & Legends: Casey At The Bat (1998 VHS) Hercules (1998 VHS) Casper Meets Wendy (1998 VHS) Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella (1998 VHS)
Roley | Angry Birds Transformers Wiki | Fandom
Roley is a green road roller who loves to make up songs and frequently spins his eyes when he is excited. He often acts before he thinks sometimes because of his heavy weight, which could lead to trouble. He is best friends with Bird.