What does it mean [A260/A280] ? - General Lab Techniques
Oct 24, 2008 · Hi there, The 260/280 reading gives a loose indication of the purity of a RNA or DNA sample. Absorbance at 260nm measures the RNA concentration and 280nm measures the protein concentration in the sample (see this article for more detail- it describes analysis of DNA solutions, but its pretty much the same for RNA).
A260/A280 at 1.3 - General Lab Techniques - Protocol Online
Nov 5, 2009 · Personally, I don't ever get hung up on A260/A280 ratios (as many people around here have probably heard me speak of before), and would certainly not let a "bad" one stop me from continuing an experiment. Our lab doesn't even own a spectrophotometer, and I haven't looked at an A260/A280 ratio in years, and it's never impacted my success rate...
260/280 ratio larger than 2.0 - Molecular Biology - Protocol Online
Aug 22, 2008 · There are too many thing can affect 260/280 ratio. For example using TE disolve RNA can get relatively high 260/280 compare juct using DEPC-water.
High A260/A280 ratio for RNA - Molecular Biology
High A260/A280 ratio for RNA - Is there a contamination? (Mar/23/2001 ) when quantitating RNA, we are ...
A260/A280 at 1.3 - General Lab Techniques - protocol-online.org
A260/A280 at 1.3 - HELP (Nov/05/2009 ) Pages: Previous 1 2 . Hi Maddie, what is your DNA dissolved in when ...
Low A260/A280 ratio after gel purification using Promega PCR …
There seemed to be no obvious problems prior to gel purification until I observed that the values for A260/A280 ratio of the products to be much lower than 1.8 after doing Nanodrop of the purified PCR products. Therefore, I think that any problems that should be present would only have surfaced during the gel purification process.
Problamatic A260/280 ratio of RNA - Molecular Biology - Protocol …
Jul 2, 2007 · What do you want? this ratios (A260/A280) are o.k. all > 1.8 indicates low protein-contaminations. ratios (A260/A230) is more problematic in your RNeasy purification, because it is too low which indicates contamination with guanidinium-thiocyanate (should be above 2.0). Purities with Tri reagent are ok from my point of view.
Trouble with DNA purity (A260/A280) - Molecular Biology
Trouble with DNA purity (A260/A280) - (Mar/05/2013 ) I've been using Quiagen Endo Free Maxi Prep to prepare some DNA. At the last step when you resuspend the dried pellet I always add 500 ul TE no matter the size of the pellet.
A260/280 - Molecular Biology - Protocol Online
Jul 6, 2008 · Wat does A260/A280 = 3+ means???? I know that DNA purity can be estimated from the A260/A280 ratio. An A260/A280 ratio between 1.7~2.0 generally represents a high-quality
RNA quality for microarray - Molecular Biology
Apr 28, 2007 · I worked with bacterial RNA for the affy chip microarray quite recently. I think ratio of A260/A280 is more important in terms of indication of free of protein contanimation, if the ratio is more than 1.8. And if my memory was correct, the ratio of A260/A230 is indication of contamination of organic solvant?
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