What key to select on auto tune for ab minor : r/makinghiphop
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Is it Ab or G#? : r/musictheory - Reddit
Meaning: the theory comes later, but should still be correct. Using the right enharmonics is simply about getting the theory to make sense. E-G# is a major 3rd (key E, A or B, an F# note in between). E-Ab is a diminished 4th (key F minor, notes F and G in between).
How do I change key from Ab minor to F minor? : r/musictheory
Mar 23, 2023 · Anyway you might try Abm Fø7 Gb/Bb C7 Fm. Here Gb/Bb is a pivot chord; it’s just the diatonic bVII in Ab minor but is the classical Neapolitan (bII) first inversion chord in F minor, naturally moving to the V of F. Another common approach is to chromatically slide up from some chord to the ii7 of the new key, like Abm Fbmaj7 Gb Gm7 C7 Fm.
ELI5: Why does the A-flat minor scale have 7 flats, and how
Dec 2, 2017 · Here are the 7 flats of Ab minor: Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb Fb Here are the 5 sharps of G# minor: F# C# G# D# A# I'll show that thinking of the scale having 5 sharps yields the same notes as thinking of it with 7 flats: F# is the same as Gb, C# = Db, G# = Ab, D# = Eb, A# = Bb. That leaves us with Cb and Fb.
Why is 7 flats Ab minor? : r/musictheory - Reddit
Feb 21, 2023 · G# minor has 5 sharps in it, and unless you had a good reason to do so, it's probably better to use G# minor than Ab minor (just as it's more sensible to use B major instead of Cb major). But Ab minor would indeed have 7 flats. Think of it this way: the key signature for A minor has zero sharps or flats, right? So for Ab minor everything gets a ...
A flat minor six chord : r/musictheory - Reddit
Aug 15, 2020 · Minor sixth chords are root, minor third, perfect fifth and major 6th. So Abm6 is Ab Cb Eb F. Then if you were playing that chord in the key of C, yes, it uses a flattened one.
Why don’t we commonly call Ab minor G# minor as well, or C
Db minor is what's called a "theoretical key". It exists, it works, but due to the fact that it has a double flat (Bbb), it's not practical to read, so we use the much easier on the eyes C# minor. On the other hand, Ab minor is preferred over G# minor because Ab minor has 4 …
Autotune on a song in a flat key doesn't sound good, any ... - Reddit
Jul 22, 2020 · The other common kind of minor scale not shown is dorian mode. That's really common - would be far more useful than harmonic or melodic minor (for a whole tune). If your tune was actually Ab dorian mode, it would sound like Ab minor, but would have one note different from natural minor: it would have F instead of F flat (E in G# minor).
Popular songs in Ab minor? : r/musictheory - Reddit
Dec 7, 2022 · Technically, but Ab minor is relative to Cb major, which has 7 flats and is not a common key, much easier to use the enharmonic key of G# which is relative to the far more common key of B major Reply reply
Question about enharmonic scales. : r/musictheory - Reddit
Feb 9, 2021 · So the ascending Ab melodic minor scale would look like this: Ab-Bb-Cb-Db-Eb-F-G-Ab. Going back down, the raised scale degrees would be lowered (so F and G would become FB and Gb). It'll be back to its natural minor form on the way down (Ab-Bb-Cb-Db-Eb-Fb-Gb-Ab). If you know that G# minor is enharmonically equivalent to Ab minor, then you'd ...