Home — ABL Space Systems
ABL Space Systems is a company based in El Segundo, California, focused on launch vehicle and launch systems technology development.
Company — ABL Space Systems
ABL is headquartered in El Segundo. Our campus hosts design, manufacturing, and assembly of integrated systems including RS1 and GS0. We are highly verticalized: in-house fabrication from panels to turbomachinery gives us tight control over costs and schedule.
Careers - ABL Space Systems
Our goals are ambitious. The work is challenging. We take a deep personal responsibility for everything we make. Driven by great talent and greater people, ABL is reimagining the next generation of space launch.
RS1 — ABL Space Systems
Designed, manufactured, and tested in-house, E2 exemplifies the ABL design philosophy. The Saturn V flew with gas generator cycle engines, and so does RS1. ABL intentionally chooses mature architectures to minimize development time and scope, freeing us to obsessively focus on design for manufacturing and operations.
News - ABL Space Systems
On July 19 th, 2024, ABL conducted RS1 vehicle operations with the objective of a 13-second static fire of all 11 first stage engines. Our launch team commanded RS1 and GS0 through a smooth, flight-like countdown.
ABL selected for tactically responsive launch demonstration
EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Sept. 18, 2023 – ABL has been selected by Space Systems Command’s Assured Access to Space office for a tactically responsive launch demonstration. The $15 million contract, part of our existing STRATFI contract, complements ABL’s ongoing work for low cost, flexible launch supporting Tactically Responsive Space (TacRS).
GS0 - ABL Space Systems
ABL is launching from existing commercial launch sites while establishing new launch sites around the world. Currently prepared to launch from all five FAA-licensed sites in the U.S., we are working in parallel with emerging sites across continents as …
ABL Space Systems Appoints Kevin Sagis as Chief Product Officer …
Nov 30, 2023 · EL SEGUNDO, Calif., November 30, 2023 – ABL Space Systems has appointed Kevin Sagis to the newly created position of Chief Product Officer and Enterprise Chief Engineer. Sagis will direct ABL’s execution strategy and technical program roadmap, as well as manage technical risk through flight.
ABL selected for $60mm tactical space STRATFI
EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Mar. 24, 2022 – ABL has been selected by AFWERX for the Strategic Funding Increase (STRATFI) program. The $60 million program will expand ABL’s existing work on operational flexibility for low-cost launches supporting Tactically Responsive Space (TacRS).
FAA Closes RS1 Mishap Investigation — ABL Space Systems
EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Nov. 6, 2023 – The Federal Aviation Administration notified ABL Space Systems it has closed the mishap investigation into the Flight 1 anomaly of the RS1 launch vehicle that occurred on Jan. 10, 2023.