AGB - Made in Italy
100% MADE IN ITALY. The company strategy is based on values of the Italian culture, which is recalled on the production process and marketing choices: Italian production, product customization, passion for research and creativity are the main guidelines to develop the perfect product for each customer.
AGB - Home
Open, Close, Live Alban Giacomo spa Via A. De Gasperi, 75 36060 Romano d'Ezzelino (VI) Italy T. +39 0424 832832 E. [email protected]
AGB - locks and hardware - International Prodimex
Italian door locks and hardware systems for windows and doors from Albangiacomo (AGB). International Prodimex Group is the leading exporter for many of the highest class Italian ironmongery, hardware like hinges, handles, sliding systems and also furniture brands.
AGB Group
AGB Group è il primo laboratorio di meccanica in Italia, con un approccio rivoluzionario: “Fare meccanica, dall’idea al prodotto”. Possiamo prenderci carico di tutti i processi produttivi per ogni tua esigenza meccanica e industriale.
AGB Logo Family
Our brand is what you feel and think when you hear and see “AGB.” It is the culmination of all the touchpoints an individual has had with us, including with our products and services, our employees, our communications, and our members.All of our employees and affiliates are responsible for managing our brand equity.
Here, you’ll find all that you need—from logo files to templates and guidelines for photography—to use our brand and communicate about AGB consistently.
AGB - Alban Giacomo Spa (@agb_albangiacomospa) - Instagram
3,220 Followers, 139 Following, 133 Posts - AGB - Alban Giacomo Spa (@agb_albangiacomospa) on Instagram: "Official Instapage of Italian company AGB - producer of high quality hardware for windows and doors"
AGB - Home
Made in Italy; Accedi; Registrati; Documentale; Rivenditori; Language it. English; ... Iscriviti alla newsletter per rimanere aggiornato sulle novità AGB Alban Giacomo spa Via A. De Gasperi, 75 36060 Romano d'Ezzelino (VI) Tel: +39 0424 832832 Email: …
The First Mechanical Laboratory in Italy - AGB Group
AGB Group is Italy’s leading mechanical workshop, with a revolutionary approach: “From idea to product, we do mechanics.” We can handle all production processes for any of your mechanical and industrial needs.
AGB - Door hardware
Open, Close, Live Alban Giacomo spa Via A. De Gasperi, 75 36060 Romano d'Ezzelino (VI) Italy T. +39 0424 832832 E. [email protected]