Asymptotic giant branch - Wikipedia
The asymptotic giant branch (AGB) is a region of the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram populated by evolved cool luminous stars. This is a period of stellar evolution undertaken by all low- to intermediate-mass stars (about 0.5 to 8 solar masses [ citation needed ] ) late in their lives.
The circumstellar envelopes of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars exhibit a wide range of morphologies and chemical compositions that can be exploited to unravel their mass-loss history as well as binary status.
AGB star in a wide binary produces a spiral-like density pat-tern by the reflex motion of the star (their model 4). MM99 performed smooth particle hydrodynamic (SPH) simulations to explore the effects of binarity on AGB wind for circular orbit binaries. In their wide binary example, they showed spiral and
The spiral structure of an extended asymptotic giant branch (AGB) envelope was, for the first time, discovered in the carbon star AFGL 3068 (Mauron & Huggins2006).
Chemical tracers of a highly eccentric AGB–main-sequence star …
Jan 3, 2024 · Studies resolving the circumstellar envelopes of AGB stars have revealed spirals, disks and bipolar outflows, with shaping attributed to interactions with a companion.
Binary-Induced Spiral from AGB Star – CHARMS - Sinica
With the advent of high-resolution high-sensitivity observations, spiral patterns have been revealed around several asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. Such patterns can provide possible evidence for the existence of central binary stars embedded in outflowing circumstellar envelopes.
AGB stars: summary and warning - ScienceDirect
Jul 1, 2002 · We review the evolution and nucleosynthesis of AGB stars. We then discuss some of the contentious issues and quantitative uncertainties in current models.
[2404.12542] Pinwheel Outflow induced by Stellar Mass Loss in a ...
Apr 18, 2024 · We develop a physical framework for interpreting complex circumstellar patterns whorled around asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars by investigating stable, coplanar triple systems using hydrodynamic and particle simulations.
(PDF) How to disentangle geometry and mass-loss rate from AGB-star …
We aim to make a pilot study to quantify the impact of different geometries (spherically symmetric, spiral-shaped, and disc-shaped) of the dust component of AGB envelopes on spectral energy distributions (SEDs), mass estimates, and subsequent mass-loss rate (MLR) estimates.
How to disentangle geometry and mass-loss rate from AGB-star …
Aug 26, 2020 · Abstract: High-angular-resolution observations of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars often reveal non-spherical morphologies for the gas and dust envelopes. We aim to make a pilot study to quantify the impact of different geometries (spherically symmetric, spiral-shaped, and disc-shaped) of the dust component of AGB envelopes on spectral ...
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