Countermeasures Dispenser Testers (CDT) | BAE Systems
Our AN/ALM-288, AN/ALM-293, and AN/ALM-294 flight-line Countermeasure Dispenser Testers (CDT) are self-contained, battery-powered, and compatible with each of the countermeasure dispensers used by the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Army, as well as partner nation armed forces around the world.
EW and Support Equipment | BAE Systems
The Smart Breech Plate Adapter (SBPA-V2) is an advanced flight-line tester for current- and next-generation electronic countermeasures dispensing systems, such as ADDS and ACDS. The modular advanced countermeasures dispensing system (ACDS) test equipment (MATE) is a PC-based lower-level test bench.
DW3121A / D583 ALM-288 Tester - Trimble Sustainment Engineering
Trimble Sustainment Engineering Inc is a Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business that was established in 2011 to meet the growing sustainment needs of the military. The DW3121A …
ANALM-288 Countermeasures Set Test Set [images] - AeroBase …
Nov 5, 2024 · Performs system functional checks and the absence of stray voltage test on the an/ale-40, an/ale-45, and an/ale-47 countermeasures dispensing system. Literature and references available for information pertaining to the item. RDAL. To 1c-17a-4-4; 33d7-13-228-1.
4920-01-423-8143 - COUNTERMEASURES SET TEST SET | WBParts
4920-01-423-8143 A test set primarily designed for use in making examinations of a countermeasures set. Excludes TEST SET, COUNTERMEASURES DISPENSING SET. Part Alternates: AN/ALM-288, ANALM288, 1881007001, 188100-7001, 4920-01-423-8143, 01-423-8143, 4920014238143, 014238143.
Model AN/ALM-288 Countermeasures Set Test Set
A test set primarily designed for use in making examinations of a countermeasures set. Excludes test set, countermeasures dispensing set.
TS-4485ALM-288, Countermeasures Set Test Set NSN 4920-01 …
Definition Definition of approved item name (AIN): "Countermeasures Set Test Set" A test set primarily designed for use in making examinations of a countermeasures set. Excludes test set, countermeasures dispensing set.
Model TS-4485/ALM-288 Countermeasures Set Test Set
A test set primarily designed for use in making examinations of a countermeasures set. Excludes test set, countermeasures dispensing set.
AN/ALM-288 Countermeasures Set Test Set - National stock …
Performs system functional checks and the absence of stray voltage test on the an/ale-40, an/ale-45, and an/ale-47 countermeasures dispensing system. Send us a request for quote using the …
4920-01-423-4674 - COUNTERMEASURES SET TEST SET | WBParts
4920-01-423-4674 A test set primarily designed for use in making examinations of a countermeasures set. Excludes TEST SET, COUNTERMEASURES DISPENSING SET. Part Alternates: TS-4485/ALM-288, TS4485ALM288, 1881107001, 188110-7001, 4920-01-423-4674, 01-423-4674, 4920014234674, 014234674.
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