HFSS Sweeps:Discrete vs Interpolat vs. Fast - Forum for Electronics
Oct 9, 2004 · hfss solution frequency 2itaifrenke Thanks for your HFSS "sweep" guide. One small remark. The Fast Sweep method is very hungry to a memory. And that is the main reason why I use Interpolating Sweeps instead. With a mesh size > ~100.000 it is not possible to use Fast Sweep in practice.
Running HFSS on a GPU | Forum for Electronics
Jul 22, 2008 · HFSS does not support GPU acceleration. As of Release 14, various other ANSYS products do support GPU acceleration, but not HFSS.
of Ansoft HFSS. The field calculator is a very powerful but frequently misunderstood and underuti-lized tool within the 3D “Fields” Post-Processor. These routines represent only a small set of the complete capabilities of the calculator. Starting from field data obtained by performing an HFSS solution, the calculator can generate thermal infor-
HOW to couple ansys and HFSS for thermal analysis
Aug 1, 2012 · hello , guys, I have installed the HFSS 13 and ANSYS 13, and I want to do thermal analysis. After simulation , I get a 'xml' file by 'export transfer file for ansys' in HFSS, but when I load that file , a dialog denote me that ' either the specified location is incorrect or the source at that location contains no data' , can any body tell me ...
HFSS: driven terminal Vs driven modal | Forum for Electronics
Jan 17, 2007 · hfss driven terminal or modal whenever u r using coaxial feed (TEM excitations) use driven terminal and whenever u r using other modes of propagation like TE/TM or quasi TEm u have to use driven modal as there may be chances of higher mode excitations also so that will give u correct results. Driven modal is OK for all applications
[SOLVED] - Invert mouse zoom axis in HFSS ANSYS
Dec 25, 2023 · Hi, Ansys swapped the scroll function direction in AEDT 2024R1. This was fixed in 2024R1.1 by adding a settings option under 'General/Desktop Configuration/User Interface/Mouse wheel direction for zoom in'
HFSS - "Solve Inside" / Skin Depth Question - Forum for Electronics
Feb 29, 2008 · All objects in HFSS have a check box for whether or not to "Solve Inside". It is usually set by default except for object of high conductivity. For example when adding "Solve Inside" to a copper microstrip trace, a warning is issued "Solving inside a solid with high conductivity may require a large mesh".
HFSS number of passes - Forum for Electronics
Jul 18, 2016 · HFSS uses adaptive meshing, which is to say that it sets up an initial mesh, solves the fields, and then re-meshes based on where the fields have a high concentration and/or gradient. Each re-meshing step is called an "adaptive pass". Importantly, at each step, the scattering parameters are evaluated at each port, and compared to the previous step.
To set up an HFSS design, follow this general procedure. Note that after you insert a design, you do not need to perform the steps sequentially, but they must be completed before a solution can be generated. I - Insert an HFSS design into a project. 1) On the Project menu, click Insert HFSS Design The new design is listed in the project tree.
Advantages/Disavantages of HFSS and Q3D ... - Forum for …
Apr 8, 2013 · HFSS is full-wave 3D which means it solves all of Maxwell's Equations. The limit on accuracy is basically dependent on the mesh size. HFSS is very good at extracting s-parameters and fields. Q3D is quasi-static 3D which means it dosesn't solve the time dependence piece of Maxwell's equations.