Check the interactive map that our UCM-VISAVET partner has developed. All new ASF outbreaks notified worldwide by the OIE are being updated on this useful map so that you can keep up to date on the spread of the virus.
African swine fever - WOAH - World Organisation for Animal Health
African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious viral disease of domestic and wild pigs, whose mortality rate can reach 100%.
Global distribution of ASF, 2005–2023. This map is ... - ResearchGate
African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious and severe hemorrhagic transboundary swine viral disease with up to a 100% mortality rate, which leads to a tremendous socio-economic loss...
World map of African swine fever outbreaks - About 333 - pig333
Mar 2, 2022 · Presenting the new interactive world map of ASF outbreaks, updated weekly from WOAH data. Where are there more cases of African swine fever? How many cases of ASF have been detected in pigs in a given area? What is the status of an outbreak?
Map of the world displaying the presence of ASF by Administrative divisions (2021 – 16/02/2023) In total, since January 2021 ASF has been reported as present in five different world regions in 41 countries,
Geographic distribution - Europa
African swine fever is a disease listed in the World Organisation for Animal Health Terrestrial Animal Health Code and must be reported to the WOAH. The map to the right displays outbreak points reported to the WOAH early warning system since 2005.
Global distribution of ASF, 2005-2020. This map is based on data …
African swine fever (ASF) is a contagious and lethal hemorrhagic disease with a high case fatality rate. Since 2007, ASF has been spreading into many countries, especially in Europe and Asia.
Global Disease Monitoring Reports - Swine Health
In the April 2019 SHIC Global Swine Disease Monitoring Report, world maps are links to country-specific information on swine disease outbreaks are included for the first time. This OIE data provides a valuable overview of country-specific disease status and movement.
EMSSD African Swine Fever (ASF) Story Map - ArcGIS StoryMaps
Sep 29, 2023 · African swine fever (ASF) is a deadly pig disease that spreads rapidly and affects both domestic and feral swine. While not a threat to human health, the virus has been spreading across the globe for decades devastating swine, pork industries, and …
Figure 1: Map of ASF outbreaks which started during 21 July 2023 – 10 August 2023 in domestic animals and wildlife. Zoomed views of areas where updates occurred in the last period are provided as well. Globally since 2021, and as of 10 August …