What's New in ATLAS.ti 23 - ATLAS.ti
The new Sankey Charts feature in ATLAS.ti Web offers a powerful technique to visualize the association of data elements for cross-tabs. You'll find Sankey Charts in the Reports section as an additional visualization option within the Code-Document Table.
ATLAS.ti | The #1 Software for Qualitative Data Analysis
ATLAS.ti is more than a text analyzer – we develop our QDA software to visualize your data analysis in multiple formats: Bar charts, Sankey diagrams, word clouds, and network visualizations help you identify data themes and patterns for robust and accurate insights.
Visualizing Data | Types, Process, & Software Tools - ATLAS.ti
You can export data from ATLAS.ti to Microsoft Excel to create data visualizations such as scatter plots, pie charts, and line graphs. More advanced Microsoft Excel users can also create interactive charts, but it all begins with qualitative analysis of data in ATLAS.ti.
Code-Document Table: Visualization (Sankey-Diagram) - ATLAS.ti
Sankey diagrams allow you to show complex processes visually, with a focus on a single aspect or resource that you want to highlight. They offer the added benefit of supporting multiple viewing levels. Viewers can get a high level view, see specific details, or generate interactive views.
ATLAS.ti 22 Windows - User Manual
Sankey diagrams allow you to show complex processes visually, with a focus on a single aspect or resource that you want to highlight. They offer the added benefit of supporting multiple viewing levels. Viewers can get a high level view, see specific details, or generate interactive views.
Code-Document Table: Visualizations - ATLAS.ti 23 Mac - User …
Sankey diagrams allow you to show complex processes visually, with a focus on a single aspect or resource that you want to highlight. They offer the added benefit of supporting multiple viewing levels. Viewers can get a high level view, see specific details, or generate interactive views.
ATLAS.ti is a software for qualitative data analysis with AI-driven tools, available on desktop and web platforms.
Data Visualization Tools | Comparison of Software Tools - ATLAS.ti
Common methods include bar charts, line graphs, and scatter plots, which are suited for comparing quantities, observing trends over time, and identifying relationships between variables, respectively. More advanced visualizations like heat maps and network diagrams are used for representing complex data structures or interactions.
ATLAS.ti - The QDA Software Solution - Alfasoft
ATLAS.ti is a powerful tool for Qualitative Analysis of large amounts of textual, graphical, audio and video data. Sophisticated tools help you arrange, reassemble, and manage material creatively and systematically.
ATLAS.ti Networks - ATLAS.ti 24 Windows – User Manual
Flow charts in project planning, text graphs in hypertext systems, cognitive models of memory and knowledge representation (semantic networks) are all networks that serve to represent complex information by intuitively accessible graphic means.