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TDSB Staff Login - Toronto District School Board
Warning – Please review the following before logging into the TDSB Network: TDSB’s IT resources are TDSB property. Those resources include all computers and devices supplied by TDSB, TDSB’s network and TDSB’s email systems.
This article will walk you through logging into your TDSB account, and accessing their Google Classroom. You will need the following information: Your 9 digit TDSB Trillium student number (not the Ontario Education Number from the report card) Your TDSB Google Account ID ( [email protected]) Your TDSB password
Toronto District School Board
To enable all students to reach high levels of achievement and well-being and to acquire the knowledge, skills and values they need to become responsible, contributing members of a democratic and sustainable society.
Logging into Academic Workspace (AW): Site: https://aw.tdsb.on.ca Use your TDSB Student email address to sign into AW ([email protected])
Students - Class Websites
All TDSB students have an designated email account. Your student email is: [email protected] Example: [email protected]. To Access Academic Workspace and Classroom Websites [Accessing Google Drive, Google Docs, Sheets, Forms, Classrooms] To login to AW, click on the AW site above. LOGIN : …
Login - Toronto DSB - tdsb.elearningontario.ca
TDSB Staff & Students. Login with your TDSB account to access the online classroom, portfolio and a variety of assessment tools including rubrics & grades.
Apr 3, 2020 · How to Log In to AW for Email and Google Classroom 1. Type aw.tdsb.on.ca into your browser. Google chrome is best. 2. Enter your 9-digit student number in the Username box. 3. Enter your password. If you do not remember your password, click Password Help. 4. To access your email, click on the Mail tab. 5.
TDSB - Sign in to your account
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User Log In - Toronto District School Board
After December 1, 2021, all documents posted to our public website are required to be compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). In preparation, please take the Digital Document Accessibility Training on myPATH. For more information, please contact [email protected].