What is the ampacity for 8 AWG wire? 50 or 40 - Electrician Talk
Jul 7, 2007 · This same 8 AWG THHN, 90°C wire is limited to 50 amperes where connected to a fusible switch with terminals rated at 75°C. The conductor ampacities were selected from Table 310.16. Not only does this requirement apply to conductor terminations of breakers and fusible switches, but the equipment enclosure must also permit terminations above 60°C.
16 AWG wire ampacity at higher temperatures - Electrician Talk
Oct 12, 2016 · I would like to use a particular 16 AWG copper wire with a PTFE jacket. It is stranded, with (19) 29 AWG strands. Its specs say that it is rated for temperatures up to 200 deg C. This temperature rating is good enough for the heated area where I hope to use this wire, but I want to make sure that it also has the required ampacity for my ...
8awg copper on a 50 amp breaker - Electrician Talk
Oct 29, 2022 · I take the max current (50 amps) and multiple by that by 1.2 (120%). In this case it is 50 x 1.2 = 60 – so I need a conductor that is good for 60 amps… I see that #6 awg is good for 65 amps (Table 2) and if I needed to “prove it” I would take 65 x …
Is this an overload? - Electrician Talk
Jun 8, 2015 · Between a 2-pole, 20-Amp circuit breaker and a load, 10 AWG, 2-wire AC cable is installed. If the load is drawing 19 amps, this is a ___ condition. Save Share
14 AWG allowable ampacity - Electrician Talk
May 9, 2013 · It is permissible to use a 30 amp breaker to protect 14 AWG branch circuits for A/C units. 240.4(D) says unless specifically permitted in 240.4(E) or 240.4(G) the overcurrent protection shall not exceed 15 amps for 14 AWG. 240.4(G) gives us specific conductor applications that permit larger overcurrent devices for small conductors.
48 amp EVSE (ChargePoint) possible in CA using 6 AWG?
Apr 29, 2021 · It supports delivering a maximum amperage of 50 amps. I want to commission the charger specifying a 60 AMP breaker which sets the device to 48 amp max draw. The device only accepts up to 6 AWG wire. The electrician doesn't want to put in a 60 amp breaker on a circuit using 6 AWG, but the device terminal block won't accept 4 AWG.
100 amp sub panel with #2 aluminum? - Electrician Talk
Aug 5, 2019 · #2 aluminum can be used for residential service conductors if your calculated load is 95 amps or less. (Table 39) You can not use it for a sub panel though, table 39 only applies to service conductors or feeders sized using 8-200 or 8-202.
Is it unsafe to use 14 Awg romex as a switch leg on a 20...
Jan 4, 2010 · In the case of a ground fault or short circuit the wire will be subject to hundreds or perhaps even thousands of amps of fault current (depending on the characteristics of the breaker protecting it), which well exceeds the rating of #14 and #12.
#8 for 50 amps. 310.16 - Electrician Talk
Apr 22, 2010 · THHN (THWN) is rated for 90 degrees C. Most terminations are rated at 75 degrees c. Therefore the wire chart is typically used at 75. As mentioned earlier, de-rating is at 90, because it is just wire to wire at the "hot spots". When the wires come into the boxes to the terminations, they spread out and the de-rating is no longer an issue.
Can #8awg wire in bx handle 50 amps? I see some people...
Apr 10, 2022 · For general applications you have to refer to rule 4-006 for the temperature rating. Up to 100 amps = 60*C There are provisions within the code that will overrule this for specific applications like motors or welders 4-006 (2) For the purpose of Subrule 1), and except as provided for by other Rules of this Code, where the