assembly - How do AX, AH, AL map onto EAX? - Stack Overflow
So AX is composed of AH:AL halves, and is itself the low half of EAX. (The upper half of EAX isn't directly accessible as a 16-bit register; you can shift or rotate EAX if you want to get at it.) RAX …
Assembly - Registers - Online Tutorials Library
AX is the primary accumulator; it is used in input/output and most arithmetic instructions. For example, in multiplication operation, one operand is stored in EAX or AX or AL register …
Assembly Language Registers - Electronics Reference
There are different types of registers in x64 Assembly, and different sources categorize them in different ways. In this guide we want to be as thorough as possible while aligning with the …
What is the difference between the EAX AX AH and AL registers?
Oct 31, 2021 · ax is the 16-bit, “short” size register. It was added in 1979 with the 8086 CPU, but is used in DOS or BIOS code to this day. al and ah are the 8-bit, “char” size registers. al is the …
Assembly Language & Computer Architecture Lecture (CS 301)
ax is the 16-bit, "short" size register. It was added in 1979 with the 8086 CPU, but is used in DOS or BIOS code to this day. al and ah are the 8-bit, "char" size registers. al is the low 8 bits, ah is …
Assembly 1: Basics – CS 61 2018 - Harvard University
There’s no need for movzlq (why?). The basic kinds of assembly instructions are: Computation. These instructions perform computation on values, typically values stored in registers. Most …
Guide to x86 Assembly - University of Virginia
For example, the least significant 2 bytes of EAX can be treated as a 16-bit register called AX. The least significant byte of AX can be used as a single 8-bit register called AL, while the most …
accumulator register 8086 microprocessor family - Stack Overflow
Oct 26, 2018 · Only EAX, AX, AL registers are accumulators. As I know BX, CX, DX and extended versions can hold permanent values. So, why do we use EAX, AX, AL registers as …
x86 Calculating AX given AH and AL? - Stack Overflow
May 15, 2016 · I'm having trouble understanding registers in x86 Assembly, I know that EAX is the full 32 bits, AX is the lower 16 bits, and then AH and AL the higher and lower 8 bits of AX, But …
Addressing modes in 8086 microprocessor - GeeksforGeeks
Oct 30, 2024 · Addressing modes are important in assembly language programming as they define how data is located and accessed by instructions. These modes describe how an …