Abdiel - Wikipedia
Abdiel (Hebrew: עֲבְדִּיאֵל "Servant of El") is a biblical name which has been used as the name for a number of notable people. The name has the same meaning as Obadiah and is cognate with …
Topical Bible: Abdiel
Name Meaning: The name "Abdiel" is derived from the Hebrew עֲבְדִּיאֵל (Avdi'el), meaning "Servant of God" or "Worshiper of God." Biblical References: Abdiel is mentioned in the Bible in 1 …
Abdiel: + Biblical meaning and origin of this name
The name Abdiel serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of servanthood in the biblical context. With its meaning of "servant of God," Abdiel symbolizes a life dedicated to faithfulness …
Abdiel | The amazing name Abdiel: meaning and etymology
May 31, 2011 · An indepth look at the meaning and etymology of the awesome name Abdiel. We'll discuss the original Hebrew, plus the words and names Abdiel is related to, plus the …
Abdiel Meaning - Bible Definition and References - Bible Study Tools
ABDIEL. ab'-di-el (`abhdi'el, "servant of God"): A Gadite who lived in Gilead or in Bashan, and whose name was reckoned in genealogies of the time of Jotham, king of Judah, or of …
‘Abdiel: Egyptian Vizier and “Servant of the God El”
Jun 4, 2018 · The Egyptian vizier ‘Abdiel. Made of wood and decorated with gold, glass, and paint, ‘Abdiel’s outer coffin was excavated from the burial chamber of his tomb. Could this …
Who was Abdiel in the bible? - Ministry Voice
Uncover the identity of Abdiel in the Bible: his role, significance, and the lessons learned from this unique biblical character.
Abdiel: An Unsung Figure In The Canvas Of The Old Testament
Nov 9, 2023 · Abdiel is a relatively obscure character in the Old Testament, only mentioned once in the entire biblical text. He is introduced in 1 Chronicles 5:15 as a key figure belonging to the …
Abdiel: Significado bíblico y origen de este nombre
Ser un "Abdiel" implica estar dispuesto a servir a Dios y a los demás con humildad y obediencia. Este nombre nos desafía a renunciar a nuestros propios deseos y egoísmo, y en su lugar, …
Meaning, origin and history of the name Abdiel
Oct 6, 2024 · Means "servant of God" in Hebrew, from עֶבֶד meaning "servant, slave" and אֵל meaning "God". In the Old Testament, this is the name of a member of the tribe of Gad.In …