Inspired by Green Fairy: The Story of Green Absinthe Goddess
At Absinthe Fever, we encourage you to get involved. In fact, this whole site is meant as an open forum about absinthe, because we believe that absinthe is more than a drink, or a bit of thujone in a bottle. The Green Fairy -- the affectionate name given to the absinthe drink in the 19th century -- is art, poetry, experience, lifestyle...
Absinthe in the Bedroom: A True Aphrodisiac?
At Absinthe Fever, we encourage you to get involved. In fact, this whole site is meant as an open forum about absinthe, because we believe that absinthe is more than a drink, or a bit of thujone in a bottle. The Green Fairy -- the affectionate name given to the absinthe drink in the 19th century -- is art, poetry, experience, lifestyle...
Thujone and Absinthe: Mind-bending Effects?
At Absinthe Fever, we encourage you to get involved. In fact, this whole site is meant as an open forum about absinthe, because we believe that absinthe is more than a drink, or a bit of thujone in a bottle. The Green Fairy -- the affectionate name given to the absinthe drink in the 19th century -- is art, poetry, experience, lifestyle...
Absinthe: Alcohol with Extraordinary Power - Absinthe Fever
Absinthe Kubler: 53% alcohol; Pernod Absinthe: 60% alcohol; La Fee Absinthe: 68% alcohol; Hills Absinth: 70% alcohol; King of Spirits Absinth: 70% alcohol; Do drink responsibly. Unexpected over-indulgence is a genuine possibility with absinthe, especially for newcomers who assume the drink compares to other spirits in alcohol strength.
Absinthe Ritual of La Louche - Absinthe Fever
La Louche, indeed, was the way absinthe was once drunk by Rimbaud, Verlaine and countless other poets crouching over a pontarlier glass in smoke-filled Parisian cafes. Today, absinthe is back again, and the louche ritual remains the preferred way the drink is enjoyed in the dining rooms of smart mansions, trendy urban lofts and quiet cafes alike.
Absinthe Fountain: What It Is and Why It's Back - Absinthe Fever
The absinthe fountain is very much part of the ritual of drinking absinthe, and the venerable and often highly ornate fountain once was a centrepiece of many great absinthe houses, both on the Continent and across the "pond". Late nineteenth century's New Orleans, for example, had its famed "Absinthe Room", whose array of absinthe fountains ...
Sat, 23 Jun - Absinthe Forum: The Holy Trinity of Absinthe
Jun 23, 2007 · The Holy Trinity of Absinthe-- By Barry in CA on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 at 22:32. To keep the discussion of thujone going, I thought I would share the following. According to other sources that I have read, there are three components of absinthe which combine to create the pleasant effects that all absinthe enthusiasts praise and love.
Wormwood Plant - Absinthe Fever
At Absinthe Fever, we encourage you to get involved. In fact, this whole site is meant as an open forum about absinthe, because we believe that absinthe is more than a drink, or a bit of thujone in a bottle. The Green Fairy -- the affectionate name given to the absinthe drink in the 19th century -- is art, poetry, experience, lifestyle...
Absinthe Fever: All About the Absinthe Drink and Green Fairy …
Absinthe, that green blast from the past, is once again grabbing the attention of pleasure-seekers across the globe. With her unique blend of taste, freedom and old-style elegance, the Green Fairy has come back with a bang.
Absinthe: Effects of the Peculiar Green Alcohol - Absinthe Fever
At Absinthe Fever, we encourage you to get involved. In fact, this whole site is meant as an open forum about absinthe, because we believe that absinthe is more than a drink, or a bit of thujone in a bottle. The Green Fairy -- the affectionate name given to the absinthe drink in the 19th century -- is art, poetry, experience, lifestyle...