Not Happy With Acrylic Resolene - Leatherworker.net
May 12, 2011 · So, I decided to use Acrylic Resolene from Tandy as a top coat on some custom work. I have been using Leather Sheen. I dyed the pieces made of 5oz vegtan (they go to a purse) with 35% Fiebings Medium Brown spirit dye and 65% denatured alcohol and they looked ok. When I applied the resolene (after...
How To Apply Acrylic Resolene By Hand? - How Do I Do That ...
Feb 28, 2014 · Contributing Member; 394 Gender: Male Location: Bentonville, VA 22610 Interests: Hunting, Fishing, Making Holsters, M1907 Rifle Slings.
Using Acrylic Resoline and cracking! - How Do I Do That ...
Aug 15, 2016 · There are other finishes, but Resolene is a staple in the leather working world, with Clear Lac being another. Some folks use Mop and Glo floor polish cut 50/50 with distilled water. I have used it and it seems a lot like Resolene and I don't think your results would be any better. Chief Edited August 15, 2016 by Chief31794 Add content
Angelus Acrylic vs Resolene - Leatherworker.net
Dec 26, 2008 · I currently use Resolene to finish my items and I'm pleased with the results. I'm considering trying Angelus Acrylic finisher in order to 'see what else is out there'. I'll also be switching to Angelus dyes and changing a little of my production process. Anyonew have any experience with Angelus f...
Acrylic Resolene Issue - Leatherworker.net
Oct 13, 2014 · And when using Resolene you should always apply it in light coats with a damp applicator, says it right on the bottle. And this applies to the application of any acrylic based finishing liquid. And don't every apply it in a circular manner as …
Acrylic Resolene and Neatsfoot Oil Question(s)
Jun 1, 2016 · The Resolene is a topcoat finish that protects the leather and gives it a little shine. This said once you top coat it with the acrylic you wont get much oil into the leather, also if you oil first then the Resolene wont stick very well..
Acrylic Resolene...but Matte - Leatherworker.net
Feb 10, 2010 · Looking for a product that seals like Acrylic Resolene, wears like it, etc., but has a matte finish. In other words, no shine at all. Not satin, semi-gloss, etc., but an actual matte finish. Does such a product exist? Thanks.
Help With An Acrylic Resolene Finish That Didn't Turn Out Right!
Dec 12, 2011 · The Mop and Glo is basically the same kind of stuff as Resoline, ie. an acrylic. The M&P will set you back around $5.00 for something over 30 oz. Check the cost of resoline, Super Sheen etc. and do the math --- and you can still use the rest to do your floor with!
Acrylic Paint Sealer? Not Acrylic Resolene!?!?! - Leatherworker.net
Jan 9, 2015 · Recently, I have started using Mop N Glo which works much like acrylic resolene, but its cheaper and easier to get. To spray it on, I mix it 50/50 with water, and use either a prevail sprayer or an air brush to apply several light coats. Has been working well for me.
Spraying Resolene? - How Do I Do That? - Leatherworker.net
Nov 24, 2015 · It does say that you can mix a small amount of dye with the Tan-Kote and water. I haven't tried it yet.It says, you can mix Bag Kote with up to 20 % water. I used it and it worked fine. The Acrylic Resolene seems to be thinner with the 50/50 water mix then the Bag-Kote.I do love the way the air brush workes with dyes, comes out great. Jim