Detection of Protein S-Acylation using Acyl-Resin Assisted Capture
Apr 10, 2020 · Here, we describe acyl resin-assisted capture (Acyl-RAC), a recently developed method based on selective capture of endogenously S-acylated proteins by thiol-reactive Sepharose beads.
Detection of Protein S-Acylation using Acyl-Resin Assisted Capture
Here, we describe acyl resin-assisted capture (Acyl-RAC), a recently developed method based on selective capture of endogenously S-acylated proteins by thiol-reactive Sepharose beads.
【方法篇】S-棕榈酰化蛋白修饰质谱鉴定方法 - 知乎
Acyl-RAC方法能够鉴定出任何蛋白的硫醇上的修饰情况,并且经常被误用为验证S-脂酰化蛋白的方法,如果要鉴定新的S-脂酰化蛋白,建议使用Acyl-RAC和alk-16(+/-NH2OH)结合的方法。 详细可联系我们所要原文,参考详细的实验protocol。
Site-specific analysis of protein - Journal of Lipid Research
We recently described a simple and robust methodology to rapidly identify S-nitrosylation sites in proteins via resin-assisted capture (RAC) and provided an initial description of the applicability of the technique to S-acylated proteins (acyl-RAC).
Mechanisms and functions of protein S-acylation
Feb 14, 2024 · Acyl-biotin exchange (ABE), acyl resin-assisted capture (acyl-RAC) and metabolic labelling reveal whether a protein can be acylated. Use of hydroxylamine controls ensures that the detected...
Site-specific analysis of protein S-acylation by resin ... - PubMed
We recently described a simple and robust methodology to rapidly identify S-nitrosylation sites in proteins via resin-assisted capture (RAC) and provided an initial description of the applicability of the technique to S-acylated proteins (acyl-RAC).
Analysis of the brain palmitoyl-proteome using both acyl-biotin ...
Jun 12, 2017 · Acyl-resin-assisted capture (acyl-RAC) is an alternative technique which has been described recently 21 and was derived from a modification of the biotin switch assay used...
S -acylation of P2K1 mediates extracellular ATP-induced immune ... - Nature
May 12, 2021 · The S-acylation levels were detected by an acyl-resin capture (acyl-RAC) assay. Palm- palmitoylated protein, Depalm- depalmitoylated protein.
We recently described a simple and robust methodology to rapidly identify S-nitrosylation sites in proteins via resin-assisted capture (RAC) and provided an initial description of the applica- bility of the technique to S-acylated proteins (acyl-RAC).
Detection of Protein S-Acylation using Acyl-Resin Assisted …
Apr 10, 2020 · Acyl-RAC (Acyl-Resin Assisted Capture) is a highly sensitive, reliable and easy to perform method to detect reversible lipid modification of cysteine residues (S-acylation) in a variety of biological samples.