Adobe: Creative, marketing and document management solutions
Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. We help our customers create, deliver and optimise content and applications.
Audio recording and editing software | Adobe Audition
Mix, edit, and create audio content in Adobe Audition audio recording software with a comprehensive toolset that includes multitrack, waveform, and spectral display.
Get started with Adobe Audition
Nov 17, 2024 · You need to sign in periodically for licensing validation every 30 days. Sign-in is also required when you download or update Audition. For more information, see Activate and …
Audition 免費下載和免費試用 | Adobe Audition
免費取得 Adobe Audition 完整版。使用功能完善的工具組合來混音、編輯及建立音訊內容。立即開始免費試用。
Adobe Audition Learn & Support
Get started with Adobe Audition. Find tutorials, the user guide, answers to common questions, and help from the community forum.
音訊錄製和編輯軟體 | Adobe Audition
Audition 是一套完善的工具集合 (包括多音軌、波形和光譜顯示),可用於建立、混合、編輯及還原音訊內容。 此強大的音訊工作站可加快視訊製作工作流程與音訊修整程序,提供音質純淨的 …
Phần mềm ghi âm và chỉnh sửa âm thanh | Adobe Audition
Trộn, chỉnh sửa và tạo nội dung âm thanh trong phần mềm ghi âm Adobe Audition với bộ công cụ toàn diện bao gồm hiển thị nhiều rãnh, dạng sóng và quang phổ.
Descarga y prueba gratis de Audition | Adobe Audition
Consigue la versión completa de Adobe Audition gratis. Mezcla, edita y crea contenido de audio con un completo conjunto de herramientas. Empieza una prueba gratis hoy mismo.
Adobe Creative Cloud | Professional Creative Software
Enjoy the collection of professional creative software in Adobe Creative Cloud including Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro & more on desktop, mobile & web.
PDF online | Adobe Acrobat (Australia)
Adobe Acrobat online services let you work with PDFs in any browser. Create and convert PDFs online, reduce a file size and more. Try Acrobat online for free!