Advent Portfolio Exchange | Portfolio Management Solution
Advent Portfolio Exchange (APX) is the integrated portfolio and client management solution that puts everyone in your firm on the same platform and the same page. APX provides one central, scalable platform for all your portfolio, relationship, and prospect data.
Product Brief: Advent Portfolio Exchange
APX integrates portfolio management, accounting and reporting, composite management, performance analytics, and client relationship management—all in a single solution. With deep insights into portfolios, positions, cash and performance, you can make better-informed investment decisions.
Advent Investment Suite | Investment Management Solutions
With Advent Managed Services, you have the flexibility to customize a wide range of specific solutions and services designed to meet your unique needs. Increase efficiency with APX, a centralized and scalable platform for all your portfolio, relationship, and prospect data.
APX enables you to manage virtually all asset types on a single platform. APX handles standard investment opportunities such as equities and fixed income instruments, including sinking fund bonds, as well as alternative investments like private equity.
Reporting - MD Solutions
From client reporting and packaging services, to report generation and Advent Axys®/APX® reporting, our experienced team has written and developed hundreds of SSRS and REPLANG custom reporting solutions that are tailored and designed to …
Advent Upgrades - MD Solutions
We offer a variety of Advent-related services and solutions, including upgrades and cumulative hotfixes (CHF), cloud and application hosting, Axys® to APX® migration, custom reporting solutions, investment operations, & outsourcing services.
Advent Software Inc Trademarks & Logos - US Patent and …
Jun 24, 2014 · Trademark applications and grants for Advent Software Inc. Advent Software Inc has 80 trademark applications. The latest application filed is for "TAMALE" Company Profile
Using Advent’s index data service is the most efficient way to download S&P and Russell index data directly into APX. With more than 900 Advent Portfolio Exchange® clients worldwide, firms of all types rely on APX to give them a competitive edge.
samples – AdventGuru
Jul 6, 2011 · This is a sample of what we have done working within the Axys/APX environment to create custom reports using compound report macros. To see more samples click on these links: portrait #1 , portrait #2 , landscape #1 and landscape #2 .
Advent Portfolio Exchange® - SS&C Advent Software
Today’s APX brings a greater focus to the front office than ever. With customizable dashboard views of data and business intelligence reporting capabilities, APX equips firm owners, partners, and senior management with the information and insights they need to …