Aenys Frey - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Aenys Frey is a knight from House Frey and is the third son of Walder Frey, Lord of the Crossing, and his first spouse, Lady Perra Royce. Aenys is married to Tyana Wylde, and has two sons …
Aenys Frey - A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki
Ser Aenys Frey was an anointed knight of House Frey, and the third son of Lord Walder Frey. He is a sly man who serves as a commander of Frey forces under Roose Bolton in both The …
Aenys Frey - Villains Wiki
Ser Aenys Frey is a supporting antagonist in the A Song of Ice and Fire novel series. He is the third and youngest son of Walder Frey and his first wife, Perra Royce. He is married to Tyana …
Aegon Frey (son of Aenys) - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Aegon Frey, better known as Aegon Bloodborn, is the eldest son of Ser Aenys Frey and Tyana Wylde. Character. Aegon is an outlaw. Family
Aenys I Targaryen - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Aenys I Targaryen was Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and the second Targaryen king to sit the Iron Throne. He was the son of King Aegon I Targaryen and his younger sister-wife, Queen …
Aenys Frey — La Garde de Nuit
Né vers l'an 240, Aenys Frey est le troisième fils de lord Walder Frey et de sa première épouse, lady Perra Royce. Il fut marié à Tyana Wylde, morte depuis en couches, avec laquelle il a eu …
(Spoilers Extended) Meet the Freys - Frey family tree and trivia
The Wylde Freys are descendants by Aenys Frey and Tyana Wylde. Aenys Frey: Aenys is considered one of the more scheming Freys, he is often called a worm. He commands the …
Assassinations at the Twins | Wiki of Westeros | Fandom
The assassinations at the Twins is one of the closing events of the War of the Five Kings, where former Faceless Man prodigy Arya Stark brutally murders Lord Walder Frey, the Lord of the …
Aenys Frey - Hielo y Fuego Wiki
Ser Aenys Frey es el tercer hijo de Lord Walder Frey y de su primera esposa, Lady Perha Royce. Está casado con Tyana Wylde y tiene dos hijos con ella, Aegon y Rhaegar.[1] Aenys es …
Ser Aenys Frey | Wiki | Thrones Amino - Amino Apps
Aenys Frey is the third son and child of Lord Walder and his first wife, the late Lady Perra Royce, making him the younger brother of Ser Stevron and Ser Emmon Frey, and the older full-blood …