The Afterwork Bar | Sports Bar in Hayes Valley, San Francisco, CA
Welcome to your happy place, where the home team is always playing, your favorite beer is on draft, the cocktails are made with extra love, and the kitchen is serving up some of the best bar food you’ll find.
Menus | Afterwork Bar in San Francisco, CA
See the menu for Afterwork Bar in San Francisco, CA. Open Wednesday - Saturday for the best burgers and the best fried chicken sandwiches in San Francisco, with cocktails and beers.
Hours + Location
Visit Afterwork Bar in San Francisco, CA at 409 Gough St. Open Wed, Thu & Sun 4pm-11pm and Fri-Sat 4pm-12am.
Sports Bar in Hayes Valley, San Francisco, CA - The Afterwork Bar
Welcome to your happy place, where the home team is always playing, your favorite beer is on draft, the cocktails are made with extra love, and the kitchen is serving up some of the best bar food you’ll find.
Contact | Afterwork Bar in San Francisco, CA
Welcome to your happy place, where the home team is always playing, your favorite beer is on draft, the cocktails are made with extra love, and the kitchen is serving up some of the best bar food you’ll find.
Happy Hour | The Afterwork Bar | Sports Bar in Hayes Valley, San ...
Welcome to your happy place, where the home team is always playing, your favorite beer is on draft, the cocktails are made with extra love, and the kitchen is serving up some of the best bar food you’ll find.
Private Events | Afterwork Bar in San Francisco, CA
Welcome to your happy place, where the home team is always playing, your favorite beer is on draft, the cocktails are made with extra love, and the kitchen is serving up some of the best bar food you’ll find.
Join us for Weekly Fun Nights. - afterworkbarsf.com
{"id":12080,"name":"Homepage","nav_item":533706,"nav_item_name":"Hours + Location","content":" Join us for Weekly Fun Nights ...
Accessibility | The Afterwork Bar | Sports Bar in Hayes Valley, San ...
Afterwork Bar employs the following process to maintain full ADA-compliance/web accessibility on the Afterwork Bar website: Evaluate the web site using a combination of Google Lighthouse and Deque’s axe technologies for WCAG 2.1 AA compliance
Watch Sports | Afterwork Bar in San Francisco, CA
Welcome to your happy place, where the home team is always playing, your favorite beer is on draft, the cocktails are made with extra love, and the kitchen is serving up some of the best bar food you’ll find.