Everything you need to know about Agonis Flexuosa - Silverstone …
Jan 28, 2023 · Agonis Flexuosa ‘Burgundy’ is a cultivar of the West Australian Weeping Peppermint tree. It is known for its striking deep red-purple foliage, which makes it an attractive option for gardens and landscapes. The tree typically grows to a …
Agonis flexuosa - Wikipedia
It is a tree or shrub with pendulous, very narrowly elliptic, narrowly elliptic or narrowly egg-shaped leaves, white flowers with 20 to 25 stamens opposite the sepals and broadly top-shaped to broadly cup-shaped capsules.
Agonis flexuosa - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
The leaves are long and narrow and have a peppermint-like fragrance when crushed. The white flowers occur in small showy clusters along the stems in spring. Mature trees have a weeping habit and exfoliating bark.
Agonis - Wikipedia
Plants in the genus Agonis are shrubs or trees with bisexual flowers arranged in heads in leaf axils with 5 sepals and usually 5 white petals, each with 15 to 30 stamens arranged opposite the sepals, and the fruit a woody capsule.
Agonis flexuosa: Identification, Health Benefits, Uses, Invasive ...
The leaves of Agonis flexuosa are long, narrow, and lance-shaped, ranging from 3 to 6 inches in length. They are glossy green on top and have a striking copper hue underneath. When crushed, the leaves release a refreshing peppermint fragrance, giving the tree its common name.
Keep Your Agonis 'After Dark' Alive: Light, Water & Care Instructions
Overwatering and root rot are the most likely cause of problems in Agonis 'After Dark', since they are sensitive to wet soil. The leaves may also appear to be curling or drooping. Less often, yellow leaves are caused by underwatering, nutrient deficiencies, or pests.
Peppermint tree - Waterwise Garden Planner
The Peppermint tree grows at a moderate rate into a medium sized tree with dense, evergreen foliage and a distinctive weeping habit. With age it can reach 25-35 ft. tall with an equal spread, and develop a stout trunk and bold branching character. Long narrow green leaves are peppermint spicy-fragrant when crushed and hang from drooping branches.
Plant FAQs: Agonis Flexuosa - Willow Myrtle - Australian Willow
Agonis Flexuosa, commonly known as the Willow Myrtle or Australian Willow, is a versatile and attractive shrub native to Australia. It is prized for its unique, willow-like foliage and aromatic leaves. The plant can be used as a screening plant, hedge, or even a feature plant in gardens.
Agonis flexuosa and cultivars - PlantRight
One of the best small trees for California in regions with mild winters. Native to western Australia. Grows moderately fast to 25-35 ft. tall and 15-25 ft. wide, with a weeping branch habit. Foliage smells like peppermint when crushed. Well-suited for …
Agonis flexuosa at San Marcos Growers
Agonis flexuosa (Peppermint Tree) - A small to medium fast-growing evergreen tree for mild winter regions that grows to 25-35 feet tall by as wide. It has drooping willow-like, long dark green leaves that have a distinct peppermint aroma when crushed and clusters of small white flowers with pink petal bases that appear in May to June.