AGRA - Sustainably Growing Africa's Food Systems
AGRA aims to improve the adaptation of agri-food and farming systems to climate change so that smallholder farmers can increase their resilience to shocks.
Kenya - AGRA
West End Towers, 4th Floor, Muthangari Drive, Off Waiyaki way, Nairobi.
How AGRA Plans to Build Resilience of Kenyan Smallholder Farmers
Jun 20, 2023 · AGRA Kenya announced its 5-year plan to enhance the resilience of smallholder farmers by strengthening market systems and facilitating an enabling policy environment. This is in recognition that many Kenyans depend on agriculture for their livelihood, yet sector inefficiency is widespread across most regions and the rest of the country.
Procurement Notices - AGRA
Jan 9, 2024 · AGRA is committed to maximizing the impact of funds spent to procure goods, works, and services. We prioritize achieving value for money through key principles such as competition, transparency, efficiency, fairness, and accountability.
AGRA strategy in Kenya aims at improving the productivity and income from smallholder producers, improve efficiency in large-scale production, and reduce the cost of food for Kenyan consumers. The AGRA approach in Kenya focuses on country support and policy engagement, while also investing in agricultural value chains and market system development.
Kenya Strategic Plan: 2023 -2027 About AGRA H eadquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, AGRA is an African institution supporting inclusive agricultural transformation and sustainable food systems. AGRA empowers smallholder farmers in Africa by convening and catalyzing the building of functional and inclusive agricultural food systems.
Opportunities - AGRA
4 days ago · Consultancy to conduct climate vulnerability mapping and climate change risk analysis for guiding climate adaptation interventions and investments in five African countries (Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda & Zambia)
Contact Us - AGRA
West End Towers,4th Floor, Kanjata Road off Muthangari Drive, Off Waiyaki Way, Nairobi, Kenya. P.O. Box 66773, 00800
Supplier Registration and Prequalification Notice 2025-2027 - AGRA
AGRA has appointed QED Solutions Ltd to manage the Supplier Registration and Prequalification in 11 countries including Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Mali, Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi, Rwanda, Nigeria and Ghana.
How the e-granary is helping improve the livelihoods of farmers in …
Oct 16, 2023 · To help them address these challenges, the Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF) deployed an integrated digital farmer services platform, e-granary, to improve the living standards of smallholder farmers in Kenya through increased incomes and financial inclusion.