AGRAS T40 - One for All - DJI Agricultural Drones
The DJI agriculture drone AGRAS T40 is equipped with the revolutionary Coaxial Twin Rotor design, enabling it to carry a spray load of 40 kg and a spread load of 50 kg (70 L). The aircraft is built in with a Dual Atomized Spraying System, DJI Terra, Active Phased array Radar and Binocular Vision.
T40 - Specifications - DJI
The AGRAS T40 is equipped with the revolutionary Coaxial Twin Rotor design, enabling it to carry a spray load of 40 kg and a spread load of 50 kg (70 L). The aircraft is built in with a Dual Atomized Spraying System, DJI Terra, Active Phased array Radar and Binocular Vision.
DJI Agras T40 Sprayer Drone - Talos Drones
The DJI Agras T40 sprayer drone sprays up to 52 acres in one flight hour. This drone has four arms; however, on each arm, there are two motors and two pairs of propellers (54 inches props). See Also: DJI Agras T50 Payload Capacity. The DJI Agras T40 has a liquid payload of 40 liters (10.56 gallons).
- Reviews: 1
DJI Agras T40 | DJI Sprayer Drone - Agri Spray Drones
As the biggest and most technologically advanced sprayer and spreader drone in the U.S., this “two-drones-in-one” model offers an unsurpassed built-in mapping ability, affording users image capture, image processing, and stitching via the T40 drone and remote.
AGRAS T40 – Midwest Ag Drones
The AGRAS T40 boasts a coaxial twin rotor design that boosts payload capacity by 30%, with a max payload of 50 kg. Its foldable feature reduces the aircraft size by 70%, making it more portable.
DJI AGRAS T40 Agricultural Drone - Ready to Fly Kit - Drone Nerds
The AGRAS T40 features a coaxial twin rotor design that increases the payload capacity by 30% with a maximum payload of 50 kg. Its foldable design reduces the aircraft size by 70% for greater portability.
DJI Agras T40 - Frontier Precision Shop
The AGRAS T40 combines mapping, spraying, and spreading functions, while its UHD camera and adjustable gimbal enable easy capture of your desired view. Farmland and orchard images can be captured in real time, and local maps can be generated using the remote controller with the D-RTK 2 Mobile Station.
Agras T40 Radar and Vision Systems - DJI
Apr 17, 2024 · In this article, we will explore the safety features of DJI's AGRAS T40, the cutting-edge agricultural drone that is changing the landscape with its pioneering radar technology and binocular vision system. Utilizing drones in arduous agricultural settings is not without hazards.
DJI Agras T40 - Agricultural Spray Drones - AgFlys, LLC
The Agras T40, with its coaxial twin rotor design, represents a groundbreaking improvement of agricultural drones. The T40 boasts a spraying payload of up to 10.5 gallons, a spreading payload of 115 lbs, and features such as the Dual Atomized Spraying System, DJI Terra, Dual Camera system, Active Phased Array Radar, & Binocular Vision, ensuring ...
DJI AGRAS T40 Agricultural Drone - Ready to Fly Kit - Florida …
The AGRAS T40 features a coaxial twin rotor design that increases the payload capacity by 30% with a maximum payload of 50 kg. Its foldable design reduces the aircraft size by 70% for greater portability.