Ahhotep I - Wikipedia
Ahhotep I (Ancient Egyptian: jꜥḥ - ḥtp (.w), alternatively Anglicized Ahhotpe or Aahhotep, " Iah (the Moon) is satisfied") was an ancient Egyptian queen who lived c. 1560–1530 BCE, [1] during the end of the Seventeenth Dynasty and beginning of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.
People | Ahhotep I
Ahhotep I was a queen of ancient Egypt who played a crucial role in the resistance against the Hyksos and the subsequent reunification of Egypt. As the wife of Seqenenre Tao and mother of Ahmose I and Kamose, she acted as regent during a critical period, supporting the military efforts and ensuring the stability of the kingdom.
Queen Ahhotep I - Ancient Egypt Online
Queen Ahhotep I was the daughter of Queen Tetisheri, the wife of her brother Seqenenre Taa II, and the mother of Ahmose I and Queen Ahmose Nefertari. She is also thought to have been the mother of the princes Ahmose Sipair and Binpu and the princesses Ahmose-Henutemipet, Ahmose-Nebetta, Ahmose-Meritamun, and Ahmose-Tumerisy.
Ahhotep I - Ancient Egypt Wiki
Ahhotep I (ancient Egyptian: ỉꜥḥ-ḥtp, "The Moon is Pleased/Satisfied") was an ancient Egyptian Queen of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Dynasty during the transition from the Second Intermediate Period to the New Kingdom.
Armlet of Queen Ahhotep I - Egypt Museum
Ahhotep I is the wife of Seqenenre Tao and mother of Ahmose I. Ahhotep II is the queen known from the gilded coffin found at Dra’ Abu el-Naga’ and possibly a wife of Kamose. The queen played a major role during the war of liberation as testified by the many objects that her sons donated to her grave goods.
Ahhotep I, Queen Consort of Egypt - FamilySearch.org
Ahhotep I, Queen Consort of Egypt was born in 1600 BC, in Egypt as the daughter of Senakhtenre Ahmose, 7th Pharaoh, 17th Dynasty and Tetisheri, Queen Consort of Egypt. She had at least 4 sons and 5 daughters with Seqenenre Tao, 8th Pharaoh, 17th Dynasty.
Ahhotep I - Team Queens
Queen Ahhotep I (c. 1580-1530 BC) was the daughter of Sekenenre Tao I and Queen Tetisheri, and the wife to the King Sekenenre Tao II. Together, they had two sons: Kamose and Ahmose. Following the deaths of Sekenenre Tao II and Kamose, her son Ahmose succeeded to the throne.
The Treasure of the Egyptian Queen Ahhotep - Historicaleve
Ahhotep (circa 1570-1540 BC) was an Egyptian queen of the late 17th Dynasty, who served as regent during the minority of Pharaoh Ahmose and promoted the expulsion of the Hyksos leaders.
Gold Inlaid Pectoral of Queen Ahhotep I - Egypt Museum
This inlaid pectoral of Queen Ahhotep I is in the shape of a shrine. Its base is decorated with wavy lines in reference to the primeval water. It is protected by two falcons. In the center of a boat, King Ahmose I is shown with the gods Re and Amun.
Ahhotep I, Ancient Egyptian Warrior Queen - War History
Jul 30, 2019 · The wife of SEQENENRE TAO II, who died in the campaigns waged to expel the Hyksos from Egypt, Ahhotep was one of the several powerful and determined women who exercised considerable influence in the New Kingdom, especially in the Eighteenth Dynasty, of which she was long revered as the ancestress.