Akhmim - Wikipedia
Akhmim was known in Ancient Egypt as Ipu, Apu (according to Brugsch the name is related to the nearby village of Kafr Abou) [7] or Khent-min.It was the capital of the ninth (Chemmite) nome of Upper Egypt. The city is a suggested hometown for Yuya, the official of Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III.. The ithyphallic Min (whom the Greeks identified with Pan) was worshipped here as "the strong Horus."
Akhmīm | Ancient City, Coptic Textiles | Britannica
Akhmīm, town, Sawhāj muḥāfaẓah (governorate), Upper Egypt, on the east bank of the Nile River, above Sawhāj on the west bank. Extensive necropolises dating from the 6th dynasty (c. 2325–c. 2150 bce) until the late Coptic period reveal the site’s antiquity.In 1981 remains of a temple (Roman period) with Ramesside statues were excavated in the city.
History Legacy - Travel2Egypt
Sep 1, 2024 · Akhmim, nestled in Egypt’s Sohag province, is a city of many names and a mosaic of history. Known to the ancient Egyptians as Apu, Khent-min, or Ipu, and to the Greeks as Chemmis, Panopolis, or Khemmis, this city has been a cultural crossroads throughout the ages. It’s believed that Yuya, a notable official under kings Amenhotep III and ...
Akhmim | Attractions - Lonely Planet
A taxi to Akhmim should cost around LE50 per hour. The microbus, if you are allowed to take it, costs LE6 and takes 15 minutes. The current name echoes that of the god Min, but more definite links to antiquity were uncovered in 1982 when excavations beside the Mosque of Sheikh Naqshadi revealed an 11m-high statue of Meret Amun .
Akhmim City Guide: Exploring the Ancient Sites of Egypt
Akhmim is a small city in the Sohag Governorate of Upper Egypt. It has a rich cultural past that dates back 6,000 years and is home to some of Egypt’s most significant historical sites. The town is situated on the eastern bank of the Nile and has yet to be affected by the intense modernization that has transformed other parts of the country.
Akhmim - The Global Egyptian Museum
Akhmim. The capital of the 9th Upper Egyptian nome (Eg. ipw or xnt mnw, Gr. Panopolis or Chemmis) once lay close to this place on the eastern bank of the Nile. Although it was a large city and medieval writers still commented on the important pharaonic remains there, there is hardly anything left because the material from the temples was reused ...
Akhmim “Panopolis” in the Graeco-Roman Period: A Historical ...
Akhmim or Greek Panopolis is situated about 450 Kilometers south of Cairo on the east bank of the Nile. It is a city in the Souhag governorate. Aahmim or ancient Chemmis is located 40 miles northeast of the city of Souhag. Ahkmim has a long history dating back to the Pre-dynastic Period. It continued in the ancient Egyptian, Graeco-Roman, Coptic and …
Ancient Egypt Akhmim – Facts About Ancient Egyptians
Ancient Egypt Akhmim is a town that is located on the east bank of the Nile opposite modern city of Sohag. It was called by various names like Ipu or Khent-min by the ancient Egyptians. To the Coptics, it was Khmin or Shmin, and so the Greeks called it Khemmis.
Akhmim Travel Guide - Travel2Egypt
Mar 18, 2020 · The heart of Akhmim buzzes with life, especially around its vibrant shops and the local open-air museum. These spaces not only display the town’s rich history but also celebrate the living tradition of its craftsmen and weavers, whose hands craft wonders. The transformation of Akhmim into a modern locale has not diluted its historical essence.
Akhmim | Egypt | Archaeolist
Akhmim, an ancient city located in Upper Egypt, was known for its vibrant cultural and religious history. It served as the capital of the ninth nome, or Chemmite nome, in Ancient Egypt and was the suggested hometown of the official Yuya. The city was a major religious center, with the worship of the ithyphallic god Min, identified with Pan by ...