Alexandra Amon
I am an Assistant Professor of Astrophysics at Princeton University. My group and I are focussed on the ground-breaking Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time, which will image more than 1 billion galaxies. We use galaxies to map the large-scale structure and confront questions about the composition and evolution of our Universe. Ultimately, our goal is to understand the nature of ...
Sci Comm - Alexandra Amon
Trinity College's The Fountain Magazine: 'Cosmologist and Senior Researcher at Trinity, Dr. Amon, on dark matter's role in the story of our Universe.'
Amon DarkLab - Alexandra Amon
Applications for postdoctoral positions are typically due in December. Up-to-date job postings can be found here. We'd be delighted to accept Hubble/Einstein, Brinson and NSF Fellows - please reach out with questions.
Awards & CV - Alexandra Amon
Universities Research Association Tollestrup Postdoctoral Research Award (2021) Paczynski Visiting Fellowship, Princeton (2021) Rising Star in Physics (2020) Institute of Physics Jocelyn Bell Burnell Runner-up (2018) Royal Astronomical Society Michael Penston Thesis Award (2018)astrophysicist & science communicator Assistant Professor at Princeton
Publication highlights - Alexandra Amon
We have pioneered a way to extract and characterize large photometric samples of dwarf galaxies using a machine learning technique, using a small, representative spectroscopic sample. With new data from DESI and LSST, we're excited about our methodology. See: Thornton, Amon, Wechsler et al (2023)
Science overview - Alexandra Amon
Energetic processes in galaxies, like active galactic nuclei, have the power to eject baryons far from the center of galaxies, which can significantly impact the Universe’s small-scale matter distribution. These baryonic effects are poorly understood, which is a challenge for weak lensing cosmology, as it requires an accurate model for the Universe’s matter …
Trinis - We STEM - Alexandra Amon
I am a Trini. My upbringing in our vibrant melting pot of culture has shaped my journey and enriched my career skills. It means so much to me to collaborate with my home islands and the wider Caribbean. Please get in touch if you'd like to work with me, if you'd like me to speak at an event or if you have a new idea to collaborate on!astrophysicist & science …
Alexandra Amon
Modelling baryonic feedback and the impact on large-scale structure
Alexandra Amon
Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) DESI has taken more galaxy spectra than all other previous surveys combined. Iits high-accuracy 3D positions of galaxies, allow us to map the cosmos and make high-precision measurements of the clustering of galaxies. My team uses this beautiful data to complement and maximize the science from imaging surveys, like LSST.
Alexandra Amon
I have been fortunate to have my work recognised by: