Top 10 Scariest SCPs of All Time - TheTopTens
With hundreds, if not thousands, of entries in the SCP universe, ranging from merely eerie to downright horrifying, it's no easy task to identify which SCPs are truly the scariest of them all. It's an undertaking that involves sifting through a myriad of …
Top 10 Scary SCPs to Keep You Up at Night - The Angry Noodle
Jun 8, 2022 · The SCP Foundation secures and contains all things anomalous...but what are some of the best and most interesting scary SCPs out there?
Highest Rated SCPs - SCP Foundation
Jul 25, 2008 · These are the highest rated SCPs on the site, listed with creation date and who posted the page. Note that articles posted in July '08 were by and large brought over from the previous site, and so the page creator for these early articles may not actually be the author of the article. Voting is restricted to site members, to avoid vandalism.
Top 10 Most Dangerous SCP Foundation Creatures - TheTopTens
SCP-001. There are multiple SCP-001s: When Dawn Breaks, the Scarlet King, and the Gate Guardian. All of them are strong and could defeat the hard-to-destroy reptile. In SCP-682's termination log, it even lost against the Gate Guardian.
SCP Series - SCP Foundation
Jan 19, 2025 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.
What Are the Scariest SCPs? Here Are the Top 10 - The Lineup
Dec 11, 2024 · SCPs that are considered ‘safe’ are easily contained and pose little to no threat to human life. Euclid class poses a higher threat to human life and requires higher levels of containment. Keter class are highly dangerous SCPs that cannot be easily contained and pose a direct and unavoidable threat to human life.
What are your top ten scariest SCPs? : r/SCP - Reddit
Jun 9, 2020 · For a while I've been reading the entries, I myself have come across some pretty creepy and scary SCPs. Here's my own Top 10 scariest SCPs in my opinion. 10.) SCP-173: The Statue. My very first SCP that I've ever heard of. I don't like statues that come to life.
37 Terrifying Horror SCPs Any Fan Should Read - RehnWriter
Most readers might think the best Horror SCPs are Keter-class. Lucibelle Perhacs, however, is a Safe SCPs, and it’s one of the most disturbing body horror SPCs on the entire SCP-Wiki. Needles are scary enough, but this SCP takes things much, much further. The detailed descriptions will not only make you uncomfortable, they will make you cringe.
Rating 10 Top Terrifying SCPs to Keep You Under the Covers
Jul 4, 2021 · From urban legend-esque monsters that keep you up at night to horrifying body horror plagues, there’s no limit to the strange objects, monsters, people, illnesses, events, and all things in between that you can find on this site. This is a list of some of what I consider to be the best and most terrifying SCPs.
The Ten Most Terrifying SCPs – Geeking Out about It
Apr 6, 2020 · Yeah, he is scary, but on the scale of scary, he’s the least frightening thing contained by the SCP. Here are ten SCPs I was a lot more impressed with: SCP 610: The Flesh that Hates/ Class-Keter. The Flesh That Hates is an extra dimensional entity that occasional intrudes into this one, to consume organic material, to make it part of itself.
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