Energy Layer - Alter Chronos
Jun 24, 2017 · Overall, Alter Chronos is a Top-Tier and commonly available Layer for Defense/Stamina Balance customizations and makes an excellent alternative if one is unable to obtain Maximum Garuda. As such, Alter Chronos is a must have for competitive bladers. ==Product List== ==Takara Tomy== B-82 Alter Chronos 6Meteo Trans …
Alter Chronos Testing - World Beyblade
Jun 12, 2017 · Alter Chronos, when on Atomic and a disc with good LAD, could be a viable counter to Drain Fafnir. However, since my Neptune is almost a year old and is probably worn down, it's not hard to imagine Neptune might still be a better choice to counter Fafnir, and it's entirely possible that Chronos might not be good at battling layers that would only be top-tier if Fafnir gets banned.
Alter Chronos Testing and Discussion - worldbeyblade.org
Alter chronos win: 25%. Vs flame sagiterio (idk how to spell it) Alter kronos 0 (3 stars) wave’ vs flame ...
[Product] B-82 Booster Alter Chronos.6M.Trans - World Beyblade
I'm presuming Alter Chronos will be balance type because Alter sounds like it'll have mode change or something, and the driver gives me a Trans driver vibe. My Cho-Z Reaper Deathscyther .12.Cr concept render, click below to see!
B-82 Booster Alter Chronos.6M.Trans - worldbeyblade.org
Apr 14, 2017 · Alter/Altar Chronos can be seen in colour in an unwanted leak from TAKARA-TOMY, in one of the pictures of ...
Frame - Meteor
It debuted with the release of the B-82 Booster Alter Chronos 6Meteor Trans on May 27th, 2017. ==Description== Meteor is a pentagonal Frame with an numerous protrusions to give it a rough perimeter.
Any Alter Chronos combos? - worldbeyblade.org
Jan 29, 2018 · I'm looking for some great Alter Chronos combos (Defense and Stamina types only). I don't want to waste a lot of money buying beys to try these combos I watched the WBO's video on Alter Chronos.
Tournament questions
(Oct. 28, 2017 9:46 PM) GreatgodzeusHD Wrote: First question, can you use for example a alter chronos chip on maximum Garuda for a tournament? Second question, how can you tell the difference of chips, for example a1 or b1, which are things I hear but don't understand. Also, Maximum Garuda was recently banned
Beyblade Burst Limited Format Tier List
Aug 25, 2021 · Alter Chronos (Burst defense) ex 0 bump atomic Seige Xcaliber (stationary attacker) ex 00 bump orbit Metal Buster Xcaliber (k.o attack/ burst attack/stationary attack) ex 5 flow xtreme’ Z Achilles (K.O attack) ex 00 turn charge metal Galaxy Zeus (stamina-defense hybrid/ equalizer/ k.o defense) ex 00 flow octa Deep Chaos (raw stamina) ex outer ...
[Takara Tomy] Venom Testing and Discussion - worldbeyblade.org
Alter Chronos was doing its defense job well enough, I thought, but it got outspun a fair amount and it tied 4 times. I wanted something that had more stamina and at least the same defense, but without Z3, Tidepod, H4, or Shadow Amaterios I didn't really have anything I could try, except for …