What is it the meaning of "amorphous blob"?
Mar 5, 2016 · I wouldn't say "amorphous blob" is an idiom, but you often hear those words together. Amorphous blob simply means an undefined amount or pile of matter that is amorphous. Amorphous means not having an organized (molecular) structure, which results in a visible unorganized shape. amorphous: without a clearly defined shape or form. So, in your sample paragraph, amorphous blob simply means some ...
singular vs plural - "There is a lot " vs. "There are lot" - English ...
Jun 21, 2019 · There are also (unusual) situations where "lot" is a singular term for a particular quantity of things. For example, an auctioneer might sell a his-and-hers matched set of cars together as one "lot".
Plastic and plastics - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
In the first example, plastics is a noun that refers to multiple kinds of plastic material used in packaging. A plastic bag may be composed out of a different kind of plastic from a plastic water bottle, for instance. In the second example you give, "plastic" is being used as a metonym for credit card, as in the title of this book: Paying with Plastic: The Digital Revolution in Buying and ...
Are "I was understanding" and "I am understanding" grammatical?
Jul 25, 2015 · I can give you a context in which each phrase is used in every-day speech. "I was understanding" as denoting a process, as in, "While you were explaining this difficult topic to me, I was understanding it for the first time." "I am understanding" as denoting a current state, as in, "Thank you for explaining this. I am understanding you to …