AMX-10M | War Thunder Wiki
The AMX-10M, a unique French tank destroyer, was developed from the AMX-10P infantry fighting vehicle. The AMX-10M was part of the ACRA project that started in the 1960s, which aimed to create a vehicle capable of firing supersonic ATGMs from a 142 mm smoothbore gun.
[Development] AMX-10M: A Familiar Beast - News - War Thunder
Aug 28, 2023 · With the arrival of the next major update, the AMX-10M will help bolster the French ground force lineup in and around rank V, thanks to its decent mobility, 20mm autocannon and 142mm gun that is capable of firing anti-tank guided missiles.
AMX-10M - War Thunder Wiki
The AMX-10M, a unique French tank destroyer, was developed from the AMX-10P infantry fighting vehicle. The AMX-10M was part of the ACRA project that started in the 1960s, which aimed to create a vehicle capable of firing supersonic ATGMs from a 142 mm smoothbore gun.
AMX-10M: Une bête familière - War Thunder - Official Forum
Aug 28, 2023 · AMX-10M: Canon automoteur, France, rang V Caractéristiques: Une arme capable de tirer des ATGM! Un canon auxiliaire de 20 mm, efficace contre les chars légers et les avions. Mobilité décente – capable de se mettre à couvert rapidement.
[Development] AMX-10M: A Familiar Beast (4 - War Thunder
Aug 29, 2023 · With the arrival of the next major update, the AMX-10M will help bolster the French ground force lineup in and around rank V, thanks to its decent mobility, 20mm autocannon and 142mm gun that is capable of firing anti-tank guided missiles. Let’s take a detailed look at what this SPG can offer!
AMX-10P | War Thunder Wiki
The AMX-10P features a Hispano-Suiza HS-115 engine, which gives the platform 275 horsepower and allows the AMX-10P to reach speeds of up to 65 km/h. Its main armament, the 20 mm GIAT M693 autocannon shares the same rounds as the commonly seen Rh202 but features a slightly lower fire rate of 740 rounds per minute.
[Desarrollo] AMX-10M: Una Bestia Familiar - War Thunder
Aug 28, 2023 · Llega al juego un vehículo formidable: ¡te presentamos el AMX-10M, un SPG Francés diseñado específicamente para disparar misiles guiados antitanque! AMX-10M: SPG, Francia, rango V. Características: ¡Un cañón capaz de disparar ATGMs! Un cañón auxiliar de 20 mm, bueno contra tanques ligeros y aviones.
[开发] AMX-10M: 熟悉的味道 新闻-War Thuner
这辆骇人的猛兽即将加入战争雷霆:有请 amx-10m ,一辆专门设计来发射反坦克导弹的法国反坦克车辆! amx-10m: 自行导弹发射车, 法国, v 级. 载具特点: 可发射反坦克导弹的主炮; 20 毫米副武器,轻松解决轻型坦克与空中威胁; 优秀机动性,可快速进入战斗位置
[개발자 노트] amx-10m: 낯익은 맹수 - War Thunder - Official Forum
Aug 28, 2023 · amx-10m은 보병 전투차량인 amx-10 계열을 기반으로, acra 대전차 유도 미사일의 운용이 가능한 142mm 활강포를 탑재하기 위해 개량되었습니다. 3대의 프로토타입 자주포가 시험을 위해 준비되었으며, 1974년 acra 포의 테스트가 완료...
Amx-10m - Machinery of War Discussion - Official Forum
Oct 9, 2023 · Maybe you’ll use it more with the Char and AMX being removed from 7.3. btw, love to see how much you’ve used the M4A1 (FL10). Have just started using it and the thing is great.