Edmontosaurus annectens - Wikipedia
The first quality specimen, the former holotype of Anatosaurus copei (Anatotitan), was a complete skull and most of a skeleton collected in 1882 by Dr. J. L. Wortman and R. S. Hill [11] for American paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope.
Goodbye, Anatotitan? | Smithsonian
Oct 7, 2011 · In a new paper published in PLoS One, paleontologists Nicolás Campione and David Evans have proposed that the immense, Late Cretaceous hadrosaur Anatotitan was actually just the fully mature...
Edmontosaurus - Wikipedia
Their study provided further evidence that Anatotitan copei is a synonym of E. annectens. Specifically, the long, low skull of A. copei is the result of ontogenetic change and represents mature E. annectens individuals.
Anatotitan Pictures & Facts - The Dinosaur Database
A compilation of the best Anatotitan illustrations, facts, fossils, and maps. See how it lived in North America during the Cretaceous period.
Edmontosaurus annectens (S/F) - Jurassic-Pedia
Jun 8, 2011 · Due to the extreme similarity between Edmontosaurus and Anatotitan, today Anatotitan is considered to be Edmontosaurus. Brett-Surman’s (1979) analysis of the two animal’s skulls are not reliable because Anatotitan’s skull was crushed and distorted.
Anatotitan copei - Wikipedia
Anatotitan copei Lull & Wright, 1942 era un dinosauro erbivoro appartenente agli Hadrosauridae, o dinosauri a becco d'anatra. Visse nel Cretaceo superiore ( Maastrichtiano , tra 70 e 65 milioni di anni fa) e i suoi resti fossili sono stati ritrovati in Nordamerica .
Anatotitan | Description, Size, Fossil, Diet, & Facts
Feb 11, 2023 · Anatotitan is a kind of duck-billed and flat-headed dinosaurs that lived Late Cretaceous, 68-66 million years ago
Anatotitan copei (Lull & Wright, 1942) - Smithsonian Institution
Anatotitan copei (Lull & Wright, 1942) Edmontosaurus annectens (Marsh, 1892) See more items in Paleogeneral Reptiles/Amphibians Reptilia Dinosauria Ornithopoda Paleobiology Taxonomy Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Sauropsida Reptilia Archosauria Dinosauria Ornithischia Ornithopoda Hadrosauridae Hadrosaurinae
Anatotitan - Cool Dino Facts Wiki
Anatotitan (meaning "large duck") is a genus of flat-headed or hadrosaurine hadrosaurid ornithopod dinosaur (a "duck-billed dinosaur") from the very end of the Cretaceous Period, in what is now North America.
Anatotitan copei | Dinosaur Database by DinoAnimals.com
Dinosaur Anatotitan copei: scientific and paleontological classification, description, dimensions, length, weight, speed, temporal range, species, fossils, references