Drinking straw - Wikipedia
Straws have been used since earliest recorded history, with the first extant straws dating from the 4th century BCE. Different traditional drinks and foods use straws designed for explicit purposes, such as the "straw and sieve" bombilla used to drink the mate infusion common to South America.
Drinking Straws Are More Ancient Than You May Think
Feb 26, 2025 · Humans have been slurping liquids through drinking tubes or straws for a very long time. In fact, it is an incredibly ancient practice. Archaeologists have unearthed millennia-old artifacts that contain artistic depictions of people from past civilizations using drinking straws in their daily lives. For example, the Metropolitan Museum of Art (commonly called the MET) […]
Who Invented the Straw? Unveiling Its Impactful Evolution
Feb 12, 2024 · The history of straws is long, from their ancient Mesopotamian origins for drinking beer to Marvin Stone’s paper straw innovation. During that time, straws evolved, from natural rye grass straws to modern drinking straws, including bendy straws and crazy straws.
Maikop ‘Scepters’ Are Actually the World’s Oldest Drinking Straws
Jan 19, 2022 · An exciting new study from Russia has reinterpreted an 1897 find of silver and gold tubes from a Bronze Age burial mound in Maikop in the northern Caucasus as being straws rather than scepters as previously believed. At over 5,000 years old, this makes them the oldest drinking straws to have been found so far.
Ancient People May Have Sipped Beer Through These 5,500-Year …
Jan 21, 2022 · Eight gold and silver tubes might be the oldest known drinking straws, according to a new study from the Russian Academy of Sciences
World's oldest drinking straws are 3 feet long and made of gold …
Jan 21, 2022 · Archaeologists found the roughly 5,500-year-old straws in a large kurgan with three compartments, each of which held the remains and grave goods of an individual from the …
Sumerians Used Straws to Drink Beer from Shared Vessels! - Ancient …
Nov 3, 2023 · To circumvent the challenges posed by their chunky brew, the Sumerians devised an ingenious solution: drinking straws. Archaeologists have unearthed large communal beer pots with multiple straws poking out from the rim.
Oldest Surviving Drinking Straws Identified ... - Ancient Pages
Jan 19, 2022 · Archaeologists have identified the oldest surviving drinking straws. The long silver and gold tubes are over 5,000 years old and were likely used to drink beer from a communal vessel. These were initially found in 1897 in the Maikop Kurgan in the Caucuses.
Oldest surviving straws hint at ancient culture of communal beer …
Jan 20, 2022 · A set of lengthy silver and gold tubes dug up from a famous grave in the the Caucuses have been found to represent the oldest surviving drinking straws, with the scientists behind the discovery...
Ancient 'scepters' were actually straws for communal boozing ...
Jan 19, 2022 · Silver and gold tubes unearthed in an ancient tomb in southern Russia and long thought to be ceremonial staffs were, in fact, the earliest-known drinking straws, used by people 5,000 years ago...