Just Ancient Egypt - History Forum
Oct 11, 2017 · Free visit to Tutankhamun's tomb, 17 October - Ancient Egypt - Heritage - Ahram Online I worry as there are stability issues in the roof of the burial chamber of the tomb of Seti I. Allowing tourists in there with me raises questions. I am starting to feel the search for tourist dollars is a danger to these fragile sites.
Aluminium belt from ancient China - History Forum
The general's name was Zhou Chu 周處, and he actually lived from 236 to 297. Furthermore, his tomb was rediscovered in 1952, not 1993. 17 metallic parts from a belt (the belt itself was of leather and had long decomposed) were found around the skeleton's hips, while other small metallic fragments were also found in the tomb.
What phenotype were the ancient Egyptians? | History Forum
Jan 7, 2025 · You can't say much specific about the phenotype of ancient Egyptians. Phenotypes are the measurable outcomes of genetic instructions and provide a direct link between the genetic code and observable characteristics. The oldest confirmed genotypes from ancient Egypt are dated to 1388 BC, so from the New Kingdom period and onward.
Architecture in ancient China: Why wood? | History Forum
Dec 9, 2011 · (The Han did build stone tombs, but building tombs is rather easier - the stone Newgrange tomb (3200 BC) in Ireland is a thousand years older than any similar stone tomb in China, and the Mycenaean tombs such as the Tomb of Atreus (1250 BC) is also far older than anything similar in China.
Most Opulent Tombs - History Forum
Aug 11, 2013 · Glass jewellery believed to have been made by Roman craftsmen has been found in an ancient tomb in Japan. In a sign the empire's influence may have reached the edge of Asia, three glass beads discovered in the 5th Century 'Utsukushi' burial mound in Nagaoka, near Kyoto, were probably made some time between the first and the 4th century.
Just Ancient Egypt | Page 115 | History Forum - historum.com
Jan 22, 2025 · New DNA from Old Kingdom Period indicates that most ancient Egyptians have an origin in the Levant. This interesting find may help understanding the relation between Mesopotamia and Egypt as the northern Levant hosted Mesopotamian trade colonies and settlements (often local elites embracing Sumerian culture and religion) during 3400 to 3200 …
Question about chattel slavery in Ancient Egypt | History Forum
Jan 10, 2025 · However, the ancient Egyptians did also practise chattel slavery. They enslaved prisoners of war frequently. They enslaved prisoners of war frequently. For example Ahmose son of Ebana, a soldier of the early New Kingdom, mentions in the writing in his tomb many times how he was rewarded for his military service with grants of slaves.
Was South America discovered by ancient Egypt? | History Forum
Sep 3, 2012 · Add then to the fact that tobacco and cocoa was found at Ramesses II tomb. The Mathisen Corollary: Tobacco and coca byproducts in ancient Egyptian mummies So... why do people still say that Columbus discovered America? The Vikings discovered New Foundland in the 11th century and South American was discovered by Egyptians before the birth of Christ.
Skin color and race in paintings of ancient civilisations.. - History …
Mar 22, 2015 · With ancient Egypt specifically, it was a multicultural society but there were particular indices of race within Egyptian art. Nubians, Middle Easterners, Greeks, etc,. all had characteristics that clearly showed them as being from Nubia, Punt, Greece, etc,.
Why did the Ancient Nabateans carve out structures in the middle …
Sep 4, 2020 · Here's another exquisite example, of the tomb of Kamkam, a priestess at Hegra/Mada'in, constructed in 1 BC - 1 AD. It's from the same place as the OP picture, but a different tomb. The tomb is known as "B19" in some sources, "Tomb 39" in other sources and "IGN39" in yet other sources. It has an interesting inscription on its facade, above the ...