Angemon | DigimonWiki | Fandom
Angemon, a Champion level Digimon in Digimon Cyber Sleuth, evolves from Patamon, Kudamon, or Lucemon. It can further evolve into Garudamon, MagnaAngemon, SaviorHuckmon, or HippoGryphonmon. Additionally, Angemon can DNA Digivolve to Shakkoumon when combined with Ankylomon.
Angemon (Adventure) | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Angemon is one of the heroes in Digimon Adventure and 02. He is the digivolved form of Patamon, the partner of T.K. Even though he's a champion Digimon, he puts up great fights with Ultimate Digimon as well. Angemon's known technique is Hand of Fate. He digivolve to MagnaAngemon and DNA...
Angemon - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
光り輝く6枚の翼と、神々しいまでの純白の衣を身に纏った天使デジモン。 完全なる善の存在であり、幸福をもたらすデジモンと呼ばれているが、悪に対しては非常に冷徹で完全に相手が消滅するまで、攻撃を止めることはない。 デジタルワールドが幾度となく危機に見舞われたとき、同種属のデジモンを率いて降臨したと伝えられており、ダークサイドに引き込まれたデビモンも、もともとは同種族であった。 必殺技は黄金に輝く拳で相手を攻撃する『ヘブンズナックル …
Angemon (Adventure:) | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Angemon is the evolution form of Patamon. He can evolve to MagnaAngemon. Like his original counterpart, he is voiced by Miwa Matsumoto in the Japanese version. He first appears when he and Takeru were captured by Velgemon. Yamato rescues Takeru.
TK - Digimon Wiki - Neoseeker
T.K. and Pataman quickly develop a strong bond, which causes Patamon to digivolve into his Champion form, Angemon, who sacrifice himself in order to defeat Devimon and protect T.K. and the...
TK meets Angemon! Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 20
Oct 18, 2020 · We see Skullknightmon enter the series in epic fashion after the moment with Angemon and TK. CHeck out this Digimon 2020 Episode 20 Review. Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 20 gave us the 7th...
Fan:Angelmon | DigimonWiki | Fandom
Angelmon is a pure angel Digimon. Who is a Digimon who uses his power to protect his friends and partner Digimon. Who is the DNA-Digivolution of MagnaAngemon and Angewomon. The Power is of Angelmon is even greater the Royal Knights. It has the power of both Light and Hope. It wields the mighty...
Tears of an Angel, a digimon fanfic | FanFiction
Angemon looked down at Tk and saw him asleep then at Angewomon. 'She's gonna make a great mother someday.' Angewomon felt the gaze of the male digital angel and said. "What?"
Angemon's love, a digimon fanfic | FanFiction
Takeru x Angemon IF THIS SQUICKS YOU, KEEP AWAY AND DON'T READ IT! ANGEMON'S LOVE. A DIGIMON FANFICTION. AUTHOR: Djap. PAIRING: Takeru x Angemon. RATING: NC17. GENRE: Romance, Established Relationship, Drama, Coming Out. LANGUAGE: English. DISCLAIMER: I don't own them and I don't make money with them. Pity. WARNING (READ THIS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!):
The Return of Apocalymon Chapter 1: Angelmon, a digimon fanfic …
However, TK had saw evil first hand, when Patamon first digivolved into Angemon and sacrificed himself to defeat Devimon and that caused a, how should I put it, a storing of evil in him towards the darkness.