Anti-Mage - Dota 2 Wiki
Abyssal Blade gives Anti-Mage a damage boost, a chance to bash enemies when attacking, and a guaranteed stun that goes through spell immunity. It also gives Anti-Mage some strength and health that will increase his health pool.
Anti-Mage/Guide - Dota 2 Wiki
Anti-Mage is one of the most mobile carries in the game, mostly well known for his ability to punish lineups heavily reliant on magic damage with Counterspell 's high magic resistance, and his Mana Void can be used to cause massive damage to heroes with huge mana pools.
Anti-Mage — Dota 2 Вики
Реликвии отслеживают действия героя и статистику, а также отображают внутриигровые уведомления при достижении определённых отметок. В DotA имя Anti-Mage было Magina, но в Dota 2 его имя было...
Anti-Mage - Dota 2 Wiki
No wizard's trick is enough to contain or elude the Anti-Mage, as he Blinks out of traps and pursues targets to the ends of the world. With each swing of his unorthodox blades, the Anti-Mage erodes his opponent's mana, setting up the depleted caster to perish in a crushing Mana Void.
Anti-Mage/Counters - Dota 2 Wiki
Anti-Mage can withstand magical burst damage much better than other carries, making him effective against nukers: Lich, Necrophos, Oracle, and Leshrac. Anti-Mage's high mobility from Blink and tendency to build Battle Fury makes him strong against split-pushing heroes: Nature's Prophet, Tinker, and Arc Warden.
Anti-Mage/Lore - Dota 2 Wiki
Anti-Mage hates magic. Despite being an acolyte at the time of his escape, Anti-Mage has learned some techniques of the Turstarkuri, possibly from its dogmatic scrolls.[1] After escaping from Turstarkuri, Anti-Mage continued to meditate in …
Anti-Mage/Responses - Dota 2 Wiki
️ Antimage. ️ All magic flies before me. ️ I bring an end to magic. ️ The magic ends here. ️ Truth compels me. ️ The true path! ️ Magic shall not prevail! ️ I turn magic aside! ️ Such sorcery shall not prevail. ️ Magic is an abomination. ️ Prepare thyself! ️ I fear no vile sorcery! Picked ️ Antimage. Banned ️ Oh. ️ Antimage. ️ All magic flies before me. ️ I ...
Anti-Mage/Equipment - Dota 2 Wiki
Anti-Mage/Equipment < Anti-Mage. Sign in to edit History Purge Talk (0) Hero Strategy Equipment ... Dota 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site Follow on IG ...
Anti-Mage/Changelogs - Dota 2 Wiki
|20px|link=Anti-Mage|class=noprint pixelart]] Anti-Mage has the DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO hull size. This unit has a 27-radius collision size and a 24-radius bound radius respectively. Increased Spell Shield magic resistance bonus from 15%/25%/35%/45% to 26%/34%/42%/50%.
The Disciple's Path - Dota 2 Wiki
Jul 10, 2020 · From the ashes of a fallen faith, the time has come to witness a new lineage rise. Trained in the lost ways of the Turstarkuri by her adopted mentor the Anti-Mage, the disciple Wei has been called upon to put her years of practice to the final test.