ANTIONUM - Book of Mormon Onomasticon - Brigham Young …
Nov 21, 2015 · The name of the city may derive from the gold A NTION (Alma 11:19), the most valuable unit of N EPHITE money. There is an old East Semitic terminative adverbial ending, -um, which acts like the prepositions “at, in,” and indicates location.
A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Antionum, Land of
antionum, land of. A district of country east of the Sidon, inhabited by the Zoramites (B. C. 75). Thither Alma and his brethren repaired to convince them of their errors.
Antionum - Book of Mormon Geography - Book of Mormon …
A description of the Book of Mormon geography references for the land and city of Antionum. The land and city of Antionum is displayed on an internal map.
Book of Mormon Geography Lands - Western New York Model
In other words, the Land Antionum ran the full length of the land of Zarahemla from Jershon/Bountiful on the north to the Wilderness South/head of the River Sidon on the south and paralleled the City of Zarahemla, lying between it and the East Sea.
Antionum - Mormonism, The Mormon Church, Beliefs, & Religion …
Antionum is a Nephite army leader briefly mentioned in the Book of Mormon. He led a group of 10,000 in the great and last battle between the Nephites and the Lamanites that took place at the Hill Cumorah in A.D. 385.
The Ancient Cities of Antionum and Jershon
As Antionum went through its stage of rejecting Christ as their Savior, choosing a false god and eventually becoming Lamanites, the People of Ammon were forced to leave Jershon and move to Melek, much closer to Zarahemla.
Antionum, Land of - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Zoramites 2 gathered in Antionum, Alma 31:3. Lamanites arrive under Zerahemnah, Alma 43:5. Lamanites retire from Antionum, Alma 43:22.
Land of Antionum • Book of Mormon Online
Known as the homeland of the Zoramites, a people who had fallen into apostasy, Antionum became a place of significant missionary work by Nephite leaders such as Alma 2 and Amulek. Their preaching, which included seminal sermons on faith and the Atonement, proved transformative for many Zoramites.
A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Antionum - Wikisource
ANTIONUM. A Nephite general who commanded a division of 10,000 men at the battle of Cumorah (A. C. 385). He and his whole command perished.
Antionum (73 BC) • Book of Mormon Online
The Land of Antionum was a district of country eastward of the River Sidon, and was inhabited by the Zoramites. (75 B.C.)