Welcome to The Apache Software Foundation
The Apache Way¶ Our consensus-driven, open development process was refined over the past 20 years and produced some of the largest and longest-lived Open Source projects that have revolutionized the industry.
Welcome! - The Apache HTTP Server Project
Jan 1, 2018 · The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX and Windows. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible server that provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards.
Download - The Apache HTTP Server Project
Oct 8, 2013 · Downloading the Apache HTTP Server¶ Use the links below to download the Apache HTTP Server from our download servers. You must verify the integrity of the …
Always free - The Apache Software Foundation
Apache software is always available for download free of charge from the ASF and our Apache projects. As a non-profit corporation whose mission is to provide open source software for the public good at no cost, the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) ensures that all Apache projects provide both source and (when available) binary releases free of ...
What is the Apache HTTP Server Project?
The Apache HTTP Server Project is a collaborative software development effort aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and freely-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server.
ASF Open Source Projects | Apache Software Foundation
The Apache Incubator provides services to projects that want to enter the ASF. Read the Incubator Cookbook to understand whether ASF is a good fit for your project and to understand the steps required to become an ASF podling.
Documentation: Apache HTTP Server - The Apache HTTP Server …
Apache HTTP Server Documentation¶ The documentation is available is several formats. Downloadable formats including Windows Help format and offline-browsable html are available from our distribution mirrors .
Apache Projects Directory
Welcome to the Apache Projects Directory. This site is a catalog of Apache Software Foundation projects. It is designed to help you find specific projects that meet your interests and to gain a broader understanding of the wide variety of work currently underway in the Apache community.
Apache Tomcat® - Welcome!
Mar 7, 2025 · The Apache Tomcat software is developed in an open and participatory environment and released under the Apache License version 2. The Apache Tomcat project is intended to be a collaboration of the best-of-breed developers from around the world.
The Apache Software Foundation Blog
Apache Tika is an open source content detection and analysis framework written in Java. It detects and extracts metadata and text from over a thousand different file types. In addition to providing a Java library, Tika has server and command-line editions suitable for use from other programming […]