The Origins and History of the Alb - Ecclesiastical Sewing
Aug 22, 2016 · The Origins and History of the Alb: The Alb is a vestment that can trace its origin to six ancient garments: the Kolobus, the Tunica, the Colobim, the Tunica Talaris, the Subucula, and finally the Tunica Alba. These garments were common in Greek or Roman times, some garments being used by both cultures.
On the Origins and Development of Vestments. Part I: Origins
Jul 29, 2006 · This developed into the “appareled alb” with a square piece of brocade at the front and back bottom panels that was used paticularly through the middle ages, and also during the gothic revival and Anglo-Catholic movement within the Anglican communion.
The Evolution of the Apparelled Amice: The Cappino, Collarin …
Jan 7, 2020 · As noted, all of these are derived from the apparel which was often placed upon the amice (not to mention the hem and cuffs of the alb) in earlier centuries, no doubt for both practical as well as ornamental purposes.
Medieval Vestments 1.0 – Albs, Amices and Apparels
Oct 30, 2018 · In the Middle Ages, both the alb and amice were decorated with five coloured panels called apparels. On the alb, the apparels were suspended or tacked on to the front and back hem of the skirt and on the cuffs of both sleeves.
Alb - Wikipedia
The alb (from the Latin albus, meaning "white") is one of the liturgical vestments of Western Christianity. It is an ample white garment coming down to the ankles and is usually girdled with a cincture (a type of belt, sometimes of rope similar to the type used with a monastic habit, such as by Franciscans and Capuchins ).
Apparelled In His White Alb, Saint Remus Gossypium Hirsutum, …
Focused on the central figure of Saint Remus, the painting elevates Joel Chandler Harris’ fictional character of Uncle Remus to a saint. The "white alb" of the title evokes the rite of communion and symbolizes, according to Oliver, "light, purity, truth, innocence, the …
1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Alb - Wikisource, the free online …
ALB (Lat. alba, from albus, white), a liturgical vestment of the Catholic Church. It is a sack-like tunic of white linen, with narrow sleeves and a hole for the head to pass through, and when gathered up round the waist by the girdle ( cingulum ) just clears the ground.
Alb - Encyclopedia
ALB (Lat. alba, from albus, white), a liturgical vestment of the Catholic Church. It is a sack-like tunic of white linen, with narrow sleeves and a hole for the head to pass through, and when gathered up round the waist by the girdle (cingulum) just clears the ground.
These “apparelled albs” (albae paratae) continued in general use in the Western Church till the 16 th century, when a tendency to dispense with the parures began, Rome itself setting the example.
Alb - trc-leiden.nl
Mar 12, 2017 · Albs were often decorated with embroidered panels (the so-called apparels), which may be applied to the lower hem, the sleeve cuffs, or the neckline. In the past, the alb was sometimes also decorated with lace. Shortened versions of the alb are the surplice (superpelliceum) and the rochet.