Ectopically expressing MdPIP1;3, an aquaporin gene, increased fruit ...
Dec 19, 2017 · Results: In the current study, we screened out a drought inducible aquaporin gene MdPIP1;3, which specifically enhanced its expression during fruit expansion in 'Fuji' apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Red Fuji). It localized on plasma membranes and belonged to …
VvPIP1;1 plays a role in grape berry cracking by regulating water ...
Jan 3, 2025 · These findings strongly suggest that aquaporin activity plays an important role in controlling water uptake and regulating fruit cracking in grape berries. PIPs are the largest subfamily of aquaporins and are predominantly located in the cytoplasmic membrane.
Ectopically expressing MdPIP1;3, an aquaporin gene, increased fruit ...
Dec 19, 2017 · In the current study, we screened out a drought inducible aquaporin gene MdPIP1;3, which specifically enhanced its expression during fruit expansion in ‘Fuji’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Red Fuji). It localized on plasma membranes and belonged to …
PIP1 aquaporins: Intrinsic water channels or PIP2
Nov 30, 2015 · The highly conserved plant aquaporins, known as Plasma membrane Intrinsic Proteins (PIPs), are the main gateways for cell membrane water exchange. Years of research have described in detail the properties of the PIP2 subfamily.
Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analyses of the Aquaporin …
We identified 27 aquaporin members from the genome of the passion fruit. Analyses were performed with respect to evolutionary tree, structural domains, promoter cis-acting elements, and inter-species, and intra-species collinearity.
Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) PaPIP1;4 Is a Functional Aquaporin ...
Apr 24, 2020 · The involvement of aquaporins in rain-induced sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) fruit cracking is an important research topic with potential agricultural applications. In the present study, we performed the functional characterization of PaPIP1;4, the most expressed aquaporin in sweet cherry fruit.
Cloning, functional characterization, and co-expression studies of a ...
Jul 27, 2010 · In a previous work, the cloning of a strawberry fruit-specific aquaporin, FaPIP1;1, which showed an expression profile associated with fruit ripening was reported. Here, FaPIP2;1, an aquaporin subtype of PIP2 was cloned and its functional characterization in …
Aquaporin Gene Increases Fruit Size and Enhances Drought Tolerance …
Dec 20, 2017 · Water deficit severely reduces apple growth and production and is detrimental to fruit quality and size. Thus, water-efficiency became the major target for apple breeding. Aquaporins control water transport across membranes and can regulate water flow by changing their amount and activity.
A fruit-specific plasma membrane aquaporin subtype PIP1;1 is …
Despite the advances in the physiology of fruit ripening, the role and contribution of water pathways are still barely considered. Our aim was therefore to characterize aquaporins, proteins that render the molecular basis for putative regulatory mechanisms in water transport.
Aquaporins involvement in the regulation of melon - ScienceDirect
Sep 1, 2022 · Melon cracking is a physiopathy that is associated with both internal and external changes by the alteration of the water balance and nutrient homeostasis in the fruit. Aquaporins are channels for water and other small solutes, and they are potentially involved in the regulation of melon cracking.
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