"Such" vs. "Such a" - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Aug 22, 2015 · Such and Such: Count nouns vs. non-count nouns. Two distinct (and usually non-overlapping) possibilities exist for singular nouns X: such X (for a mass noun) such an X (for a count noun) Usually you must use exactly one of those, not either. If both forms are admissible, then we’re talking about two different words or senses of words.
sentence structure - 'One such+noun' vs 'such a/an + noun'
Nov 12, 2023 · never heard such a hubbub. The structure [ "such" + noun phrase ] can have meaning 2 or 3, depending on the context. But the structure [ "one such" + noun phrase ] can only have meaning 2, no matter the context. In your first two sample sentences, "such" has meaning 3. In your other two sentences, "such" has meaning 2.
Meaning and usage of "as such" - English Language Learners …
The phrase as such means "like that," but not "and so" or "therefore." For example: Do not behave as such. A few more examples: The thing has been done already. There is nothing more to do about it. So we have to take it as such. Doing things as such will bring about disaster. Try to do things a better way.
The difference between Such thing, such a thing, a such thing
Dec 16, 2019 · As you may be able to deduce from the example sentences given by sayfriend, “such a thing” is used to mean “a thing like that” or “a thing of that type”, while “such thing” is used with either a positive verb statement plus “no” (“I will do NO such thing”) or a negated verb plus “any” (“I wouldn’t [or would never] say ANY such thing”) to exclude an event from ...
phrase usage - Meaning of 'such' in "Such was her astonishment ...
"Such was" can be used in this way after the description rather than before it: "She leaned against the wall, incapable of making another move. Such was her astonishment." In this case I moved "such was her astonishment" to a new sentence after the description of the astonishment. Here is an example of the same structure used in a different ...
adverbs - 'Such [something/someone]' OR 'Such a …
[Here such is the only one determiner] He is such a fool. [Here such is sued as a predeterminer, and a/an follows] It was such a pity that you couldn't be with us. We have had such awful weather lately. So the bottom line is, we can use both - such a/an and such, like I have shown in example sentences. Now coming to your negative sentence ...
phrase meaning - Usage of "as such" - English Language Learners …
Jan 3, 2016 · As such means "by virtue of being such" or "in such a capacity": He is a Justice of the Peace. As such, he is empowered to perform marriages. Such refers to the preceding noun phrase Justice of the Peace and as such applies to the following noun phrase he. As a Justice of the Peace, he is empowered to perform marriages.
meaning - What does "as such" mean in this sentence? - English …
These are used on medical devices to ensure secure leak-free connections and as such require rigorous testing. I'll try to rephrase it as I understand it: "These items are used on medical devices. Their purpose is to ensure that no leaks occur. Being such …
Why is the word "such" used in this sentence
Dec 12, 2023 · No, the dog had no such sharp consciousness. That’s basically what London means. Another example of the same kind of use of such is: Although John swore he had seen an elephant-sized animal hovering like a hummingbird, she doubted the existence—and even the possibility—of such a creature.
"So that" and "Such was" - English Language Learners Stack …
May 23, 2017 · Such here can also mean so great. And we have the structure: So + adjective + be + noun + that clause. So we have an answer to your transformation questions. Such (= So great) was Mary's disappointment that she could not keep working. Such (= So great) was the children's excitement that they talked about the show all night long.