ASCOD - Wikipedia
The ASCOD (Austrian Spanish Cooperation Development) [1] armoured fighting vehicle family is the product of a cooperation agreement between Austrian Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG and …
Sabrah light tank - Wikipedia
On 5 March 2024, the Philippine Army's Armor Division formally received and inducted into service nine (9) tracked light tank units at ceremony in its headquarters in Camp O’Donnell, …
ASCOD – Wikipedia
Ascod (Austrian-Spanish Co-operative Development) ist der Name eines Infanterie-Panzerfahrzeugs, das in einer österreichisch-spanischen Koproduktion gefertigt wird. Als …
ASCOD Pizarro / Ulan - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El vehículo de combate de infantería ASCOD (en inglés siglas de Austrian Spanish Cooperation Development), en España Pizarro, en honor al conquistador español Francisco Pizarro, y en …
General Dynamics Ajax - Wikipedia
The Ajax is a development of the ASCOD armoured fighting vehicles used by the Spanish Armed Forces and Austrian Armed Forces. The vehicles were originally developed by Steyr-Daimler …
ASCOD - Wikipedia
L'ASCOD (Austrian Spanish Cooperation Development) è una famiglia di veicoli trasporto truppe cingolati, frutto della collaborazione tra l'austriaca Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG (nel 1998 la …
ASCOD – Wikipedija
ASCOD (Austrian Spanish Cooperation Development) je borbeno vozilo pješaštva koje su razvile španjolska tvrtka Santa Barbara i austrijska tvrtka Steyl-Daimler-Puch. U Španjolskoj se …
ASCOD Pizarro IFV (1992) - tank-afv.com
The ASCOD acronym stands for Austrian-Spanish Cooperation Development and is one of the most successful cooperation projects in AFV history. In 1980, Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) …
ASCOD - Military Wiki | Fandom
The ASCOD (Austrian Spanish Cooperation Development) armoured fighting vehicle family is the product of a cooperation agreement between Austrian Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG (in 1998 the …
ASCOD – Wikipedia
ASCOD on espanjalaisten ja itävaltalaisten yhteistyönä suunnittelema ja valmistama rynnäkköpanssarivaunu. Tämän panssarivaunun valmistajana toimivat itävaltalainen Steyr …