Ashton ob-havo - bugun, ertaga va hafta uchun Ashton da aniq …
MeteoTrend: Ashton da bugun, ertaga va hafta uchun havo. Ashton da aniq va batafsil ob-havo. Havoning harorati va namligi, bosim, tezlik va shamol yo'nalishi, yog'ingarchilik, quyosh chiqishi, quyosh botishi, oy ko'tarilishi, oyni belgilash.
Ishtixon, Samarqand, O‘zbekiston Kunlik ob-havo | AccuWeather
Know what's coming with AccuWeather's extended daily forecasts for Ishtixon, Samarqand, O‘zbekiston. Up to 90 days of daily highs, lows, and precipitation chances.
Ob-havo Ashton Place bugun - METEOPROG.COM
Ob-havo Ashton Place, Qo'shma Shtatlar bugun va ertaga ☀️ Havoning aniq harorati ⋄ Yog‘ingarchilik ⋄ Shamol kuchi ⋄ Namlik ⋄ Atmosfera bosimi ⊳ METEOPROG
Ishtixon, Samarqand, O‘zbekiston Uch kunlik ob-havo
Ishtixon, Samarqand, O‘zbekiston Weather Forecast, with current conditions, wind, air quality, and what to expect for the next 3 days.
Samarqanddagi bugungi ob-havo, Samarqand uchun haftalik ob-havo …
2 days ago · Samarqand va O‘zbekistonning boshqa shaharlari bo‘yicha bugun, erta va bir hafta uchun aniq ob-havo ma’lumoti Obhavo.uz saytida. Bugun Samarqandda havo harorati, namlik, shamol tezligi va atmosfera bosimi.
Toshkentda 10, 14 kunlik ob-havosi (2 hafta) - Toshkent, O‘zbekiston
Feb 9, 2025 · Toshkentda yaqin 10, 14 kunlik aniq ob-havo prognozi. Bizning meteodatchiklarimiz butun Toshkent viloyati hududini qamrab oladi, bu Toshkentda shahriga 14 kunlik haroratni aniq bashorat qilish imkonini beradi Toshkentda 10, 14 kunlik ob-havosi.
Ishtihan da 5 kunlik ob-havo - uz.meteocast.net
Mar 14, 2025 · Ob-havo xarakteri va ob-havo sharoitlari prognozi: Aniq osmon Shamol: nozik shabada , sharqiy , tezligi 3-4 sekundiga metr Shamol shamollari: 5 sekundiga metr Nisbiy namlik: 35-71% Bulutlilik: 0% Atmosfera bosimi: 717 mm sim. ust. Ko'rinish: 100%
Ob-havo Bo‘ka bugun - METEOPROG.COM
Ob-havo Bo‘ka, O'zbekiston bugun va ertaga ☀️ Havoning aniq harorati ⋄ Yog‘ingarchilik ⋄ Shamol kuchi ⋄ Namlik ⋄ Atmosfera bosimi ⊳ METEOPROG
O'zbekistondagi ob-havo 2025 | O'zbekiston 14 kunlik prognoz | Ob-havo…
Agar siz kelgusi 14 kun ichida O'zbekistonga tashrif buyurishni rejalashtirmoqchi bo’lsangiz, O'zbekiston uchun 14 kunlik ob-havo ma’lumoti sahifasi bilan siz ob-havo sizga tayyorlab qo’ygan barcha narsaga o’zingizni tayyorlaysiz.
Accurate weather forecast for today, tomorrow, week and 10 days
The Ob-havo website offers detailed weather information for different cities and countries. With the help of convenient and informative sections of the site and an intuitive search engine, you can find the following information: Weather for tomorrow in a specific city; current weather; Weather forecast for a week, ten days or a month;
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