Aśvajit - Wikipedia
Aśvajit (Sanskrit: अश्वजित्; Pali: Assaji) was one of the first five arhants of Gautama Buddha. He is known for his conversion of Śāriputra and Maudgalyāyana, the Buddha's two chief male …
Assaji (Sutta) - Palikanon
Assaji.-One of the leaders of the Assaji-Punabbasukā, the other being Punabbasu. He was one of the Chabbaggiyā, the others being Mettiya, Bhummajaka, Panduka and Lohitaka. J.ii.387; …
Assaji: 2 definitions - Wisdom Library
Jan 7, 2019 · Assaji was one of the first five arahants of Gautama Buddha. He is known for his conversion of Sariputta and Mahamoggallana, the Buddha's two chief disciples. He lived in …
Assaji - Dhamma Wiki
Oct 23, 2008 · Assaji (Pali:Assaji, Sanskrit:Asvajit) was one of the first five arahants of the Buddha. He is known for his conversion of Sariputta and Moggallana , the Buddha's two chief …
Aśvajit - Encyclopedia of Buddhism
Aśvajit (P. Assaji; T. Rta thul རྟ་ཐུལ་; C. Ashuoshi) was one of the five ascetics who practiced austerities with Gautama Buddha before his enlightenment. He became one of the Buddha's …
SN 22:88 Assaji Sutta | To Assaji | dhammatalks.org - Ṭhānissaro …
“Assaji, those contemplatives & brāhmans for whom concentration is the essence, for whom concentration is the contemplative life 3: When they don’t gain concentration, the thought …
ye dharma hetuprabhava - the causation or dependent arising …
ye dharma hetuprabhava - the causation or dependent arising verses spoken by Aśvajit to Śariputra. The verses from the vinaya beginning "ye dharmā hetuprabhava" are the words …
Assaji (Sutta)
Assaji (Sutta) 1. Assaji Thera.– The fifth of the Pañcavaggiya monks. When the Buddha taught the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, he was the last in whom dawned the eye of Truth, and …
What does assaji mean? - Definitions.net
Assaji (Pali: Assaji, Sanskrit: Aśvajit) was one of the first five arahants of Gautama Buddha. He is known for his conversion of Sariputta and Mahamoggallana, the Buddha's two chief male …
SN 22.88: Assaji (English) - Khandha Saṃyutta - SuttaCentral
“Those ascetics and brahmins, Assaji, who regard concentration as the essence and identify concentration with asceticism, failing to obtain concentration, might think, ‘Let us not fall away!’ …